Wednesday, September 28, 2022

ከ 15 አመት በፊት የጥንታዊ የታሪክ ጥናት ተመራማሪ በሟቹ በፕሮፌሰር ዶ/ር ዓለሜ እሸቴ እና ስማቸው ለመጥቀስ ያልፈለግኩዋቸው ምሁር (ፕሮፌሰር ዶ/ር…) የደብዳቤ ልውውጣቸው ጠቃሚ ሰነድ ጌታቸው ረዳ (Ethiopian Semay) 9/28/2022


ከ 15 አመት በፊት የጥንታዊ የታሪክ ጥናት ተመራማሪ በሟቹ በፕሮፌሰር ዶ/ር ዓለሜ እሸቴ እና ስማቸው ለመጥቀስ ያልፈለግኩዋቸው ምሁር (ፕሮፌሰር ዶ/ር…) የደብዳቤ ልውውጣቸው ጠቃሚ ሰነድ

ጌታቸው ረዳ

 (Ethiopian Semay) 9/28/2022

"ኤርትራውያን ወንድሞቻችን አይደሉም፣ ኤርትራን አንፈልግም የአሁኗን ትግራይ አንፈልግም ከማለት ተቆጠቡ" (ደ/ር ዓለሜ እሸቴ)

“Avoid saying that Eritreans are not our brothers, we do not want Eritrea , we do not want present day Tigrai”

የደብዳቤው ልውውጥ እንግሊዝኛ ሆኖ የሚከተለው የሃሳብ ልውውጥ ያደረጉበት እነሆ ።

IV.        THE AMHARA :    Now who are the Amhara?

I have repeatedly written that the Amhara of Amharic speakers do not constitute a tribe. Amharic is the product of the amalgamation of the Ge’ez among a predominantly Agaw population. The substratum of the Semitic Amharic language is Agaw. And the Amhara is the name of the people carriers of an advanced ancient Axumite civilization culture, language, alphabet (Ge’ez) and religion (Orthodox Christianity) which the Amhara have carried to the very extreme limits of Ethiopia..A tribe is the most primitive stage of human society with a primitive life style – depending for their livelihood on hunting and gathering, worshipping idols and magic for their survival. The Ethiopian society have been organized  as a state and having reached the most advanced stage of civilization, culture, language, literature etc. as witnessed by our agriculture and genetic wealth, and by our Ge’ez  literary and artistic treasure ,  is not in any way, or any part of it to be associated with the tribe.

V    Dear (Dr. ,,,,), allow me to speak frankly. It is not by imitating woyane and Sha’abia imperialsit mercenary politics of tribalism that we shall destroy these adversaries. It is not by claiming that you belong to the Amhara tribe superior to the Tigrai tribe that we shall win these bigots. The whole of Eritrea and the whole of Tigrai belongs to us the Ethiopians and both are integral parts of Ethiopia. Our problem with these two mercenary groups does not in any way mean we should abandon our ancient provinces to them.

You repeatedly say we don’t need Eritrea or Tigrai, they are not our brothers, and that we can live without them. This is a dangerous stand with respect to our territorial integrity. It is not also true that all the people now living in what is called Tigrai or Eritrea are traitors to throw away. Further you must have observed that since the breakup of both the TPLF and EPLF in two halves, one half of both parties has become extremely pro- Ethiopian and anti-tribalist. We should encourage and not oppose that trend. This includes also Tecola. Your appreciation of Tecola is shared by many who are informed about his background. All the same when having left Addis Ababa and Woyane  he became a refugee in the U.S and asked me to collaborate in his Ethiopianist web site  I accepted his request and started to publish my articles, including one on Shoa patriotism. I hope you have read it.  He did not like all my contributions and may have wished to alter here and there, and started weavering. We have had a rather harsh correspondence in private, which I regret. I still hope he will in the end get rid of his apparent or real anti-Shoan, anti-Amhara  pro-Tigrai propaganda stance, and hope to continue in short our  former free and unbiased collaboration

    VI       But on the other hand there are Tigrai patriots. Please read the article by my close friend Getachew Redda (Editor Ethiopian Semay) which I am sending you. Please also contact and exchange views with Getachew. In the same way all Eritrean are not traitors and banda. I am sending you my research paper on the Eritrean Unionists entitled “The Force of the Unionists”. In the 1950’s during the U.N so called referendum among the people for the disposal of Eritrea, the most popular propaganda campaign of the Unionists was conducted on the line of “We are Ethiopians where do you want to take us.” Even to-day it is the line of Getachew’s “I will fight you””, and that of the Unionists “We are Ethiopians” that we should apply as our winning cards.

I am confident we will win back both Tigrai and Eritrea to the motherland once we do away with the mercenary groups of Isssayas  and Meles (of course his ideology)  who, I have no doubt in my mind, will end up in the most shameful manner. It is therefore wise, Dr.(……..), that we avoid saying that Eritreans are not our brothers, we do not want Eritrea , we do not want present day Tigrai etc. These are integral parts of Ethiopia, since the most ancient times, and we shall win them back to the motherland – Ethiopia – arm in arm with the patriotic peoples of Tigrai and Eritrea.                                                                  

VII.       In the same way is not true, as you say that Amharas or Amharic speakers and Shoans are all patriots.  The banda are numerous among the Shoans and Amharic speakers starting with Menelik himself. Menelik, as king of Showa, following his intimate relationship with Italian colonialists has been able to obtain arms in large quantity in his blind drive to overthrow Yohannes and become Emperor of Ethiopia. Following the death of Emperor Yohannes at Metemma in March 1889, Menelik will immediately crown himself as Emperor of Ethiopia, and  sign the Treaty of Wichale (May 1889) and cede Asmara , the capital of Alula’s Mereb Melash to the Italians . That was the official consecration of the Italian colony of Eritrea.

That Bezbiz Kassa (later Emperor Yohannes) was also a banda who sold Ethiopian sovereignty and allied with the British colonial Napier expedition against our cherished Empeor Tewodros, does not alter the repeated treachery committed by  Menelik. In principle we should only follow one direct Ethiopianist line without worshipping this or that feudal Emperor. Our feudal leaders have all without exception betrayed us for power or for wealth. And my present research on the “History of the Banda of Ethiopia” has more than ever convinced me in this respect.  

VIII.         Dear Dr.(….), by way of conclusion I would like to say that we have to continue our correspondence and collaboration. Ethiopian exiles in Europe, Germany, Holland, England, France, and Italy were very strong militants in the years following the rise of Woyane to power in May 1991. We organized very strong demonstrations, discussion meetings, and the like. Little by little however, our militancy has died out. To-day the Ethiopian opposition in Europe has lost its heat. We have no more contacts and no joint venture. Woyane-Shaabia have ruled Ethiopia for nearly 15 years physically eliminating our patriotic leaders like Prof. Asrat Woldeyes, Getachew Maru, etc. They have robbed us of our economic wealth, our natural resources,…..”

Aleme Eshete (PhD) letter between Aleme and (Dr…) copy of the exchange email sent (confidential) to Getachew Reda (Ethiopian Semay)

I miss you my teacher and close friend RIP Professor Dr.Aleme Eshete!!

ጌታቸው ረዳ (Ethiopian Semay)



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