ረዢሙን እና አድካሚውን
የጾም አርባአ እየጾማችሁ ያላችሁት ውድ የተዋህዶ ቤተክርትያን ምእመናን ለሆሳእናው/ሕማማት ሰሞን ደርሳኋችል፤ በርቱ።
1ኛ- የ45 አመቱ
ሩሲያዊው Victor Bout የተባለው የኢሳያስ አፈወርቂ የጥቁር ገበያ ምስጢር
አመላላሽ; ለሶማሊያው አልሸባብ (አፍሪካ) በላቲን አሜሪካ ውስጥ እና በመሳሰሉ የሚገኙ ጽንፈኛ የሽምቅ ተዋጊዎች
መሳርያ እና ሌሎች ወድ የሆኑ የጥቁር ገበያ እቃዎች ሻጭ አቀባይ የነበረው: ሰሞኑን በአሜሪካ ፍርድቤት ቀርቦ 25 አመት ተፈረደበት። ዝርዝሩን በዚህ ይመልከቱ 'Merchant of
Death' Viktor Bout sentenced to 25 yearshttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-17634050
2ኛ- አማራን ራሱን እንዲከላከል በራሱ ስም መደራጀት አለበት የሚል በአንድነት ሃይሎች ውስጥ የሃሳብ ልዩነት ተነስቷል። አማራ እራሱን ችሎ መከላከል አለበት የሚሉ ሰዎች አትፍረዱባቸው። እንዴ አንዳንዴ ቁጭታቸውን በስሜት ሳይሆን በሕጋዊ ምክንያታቸውን መመለክት አለባችሁ። እንደ ወያኔ “አማራ ነፃ አውጪ፤ኦሮሞ ነፃ አውጪ፤የትግራይ ነፃ አውጪ” ከሚለው ተገንጣይ ቡድን መለየት አለባችሁ። እራሱን ለመከላከል መደራጀት እና “ነፃ አውጪ ፤ተገንጣይ” ከሚለው መሰሪ ተግባር ለይታችሁ ማየት አለባችሁ። አሁን እኮ ወደ ፕሮፌሰር አስራት ወቅት ነው እየተመለስን ያለነው። ያ መከበር አለበት።
የአማራው እልቂት
የቆጫቸው ክፍሎች እኮ “አልቀናል” እኮ ነው የሚሌት ያሉት።፡ “2 ሚሊዮን አማራ ጠፍጧል፤ የት እንደተሰወረ ከሕዝብ ቆጠራ አልተገኘም፤
ብሎ እራሱ ወያኔ በግልጽ በፓርለማው ተናግሯል እኮ። ቤተሰቦቻችን ሲያልቁ ቤተሰቦቻችሁን አትከላከሉ ለምን ይባላሉ? ይህ ሲባል ግን ከተገንጣዩ ጋር እና ነፃ አውጪ
ከሚባሉት ዐላማውን መደባለቅ የለባችሁም። ይህ የኔ ብቸኛ አስተያት ነው፡ ካስፈለገ በዚህ በስፋት እቀጥልበታለሁ። እንደ ኦነጎች እና ወያኔዎች “የራሳቸውን ሰንደቃላማ እንፍጠር አይደለም እያሉ ያሉት”፡ ይበቃል ማለት ፤ይበቃል ነው። አማራው ስለ አንድነት
ኢትዮጵያ እያለ ሲያልቅ እነ አንዳርጋቸው እና ሻዕቢያው ተስፈዬ ገብረአብ በአማራ ላይ እንዲዘመትበት በመጽሐፍት ጽፈው ሲቀሰቅሱ
ይህ ሕዝብ እራሱን የመከላከል መብቱ እንዴት በክፋት ይታያል?
የማሳስበው ግን በዚህ ንግግር ላይ እርስበርሳችሁ ላለመጠላለፍ
እና ጠላቶች ክርክሩን ወደ አላስፈላጊ ንትርክ እንዳይወስዱብን በልበ ሰፊነት ተነጋገሩበት።
ላንድነት ቆመናል የምትሉ ክፍሎችም ማገናዘብ ያለባችሁ
“በአማራው ሕብረተሰብ/ኢትዮጵያ ጋር ተቆራኘው ሕብረተሰብ” በላዩ ላይ ለ20 አመት የተጻፈበት እና የተደረገበት ድርጊት ማገናዘብ አለባችሁ።
ከናንተው ጋር ነን እያሉ በሕዝባችን የተጠሉ ፤የሞቱ፤ የተጣሉ፤ተስፋ ቆርጠው ውጭ አገር የሚኖሩ፤የአማራው ሕዝብ የጨፈጨፉ
ወንጀለኞች ጋር “በእፍ እፍ” ፍቅር “እየተሻሹ” በረቀቀ እና “አሞኝ”
በሆነ የጠላት ፕሮፓጋንዳ በሕብረተሰቡ ሕሊና እንዲሰርጽ የሚጥሩት እንደ እነ ግንቦት 7 የመሳሰሉት የኢትዮጵያን ብሔራዊ ሰንደቃላማ
የሚያራክሱ ክፍሎች መጠንቀቅ አለባችሁ። በትግርኛው
ምሳሌ ላስረዳችሁ እና ወደ ደ/ር ማንከልክሎት ጽሑፍ ልውሰዳችሁ። “እነ ቀሽም እአሪ መድረሪና ንሳ ተመን
ትእክብ ቀታሊና
እኔ እለቃቅማለሁ መጋገሪያ ጭራሮ ለእራታችን
እሷ ትለቃቅማለች እባብ መግደያችን።
ጌታቸው ረዳ www.ethiopiansemay.blogspot.com
getachre@aol.com 408 561 4836
A deliberate and outright
deception part I
Mankelklot Haile Selassie (PhD)
April 5, 2012
This article is a wakeup
call. A wakeup call particularly to those who are utterly deficient of deep and
critical thinking. For example have we looked into questions such as the
followings before jumping into misleading conclusions and interpretations of
the deceptions deliberately disseminated by Gen. Kemal Gemechu lead OLF here
after called Faction-A . The faction being lead by Dawoud Ibssa here after will
be called Faction-B. Here are the questions supposedly to be asked and
responded to.
a. Which faction of OLF
truly represents the Oromo people, if one believes they are representing the
Oromo people? Have we ever said, hold it, which one is the true representative
of Oromo people to deal with, in the first place?
b. There are a number of
prominent Oromo political organizations inside Ethiopia. Even OPDO should be
considered in the scheme of the bigger picture. These political organizations
who are inside Ethiopia have spread and embedded their organizational structure
inside the Oromo people down to the village level. Here, the question is have
we done the comparison between those Oromo political organizations with such
social connections, with that of the Faction-A, which is, absolutely with no
such social connections, before blindly taking side and mislead the struggle
and above all the Ethiopian society.
c. The other critical
question that should have been asked was, is there a real difference between
Faction-A and Faction-B, before siding with Faction-A? Have we even
contemplated to compare the two and find out whether there is real identifiable
difference or not? What is the guarantee that they will not finally join and
form one body? This organization called OLF is born and cultivated with lies
and fabrications. How would one trust any faction of this organization with
such characteristics, may I ask?
d. The rhetoric coinage
of words by Faction-A are, repeatedly used ones at that, “united Ethiopia,” and
“one Ethiopia.” Have you looked into it and tried to identify its implications?
Unity when referring to a country and its society automatically assumes one
flag, one physical and political map and one national language. For common
language will facilitate the promotion of national unity. If Faction-A
sincerely meant what it said, then, these factors are very important to be
considered and be implemented. Walking the talk.
These and other
potentially determining questions should have been asked and answered
unambiguously before emotionally jumping and become elated without, in my
opinion, having a clue where Faction-A is calculatingly maneuvering to take the
so called Alliance and the Ethiopian society, particularly those in Diaspora.
This analysis is based
on a number of articles and released free presses of Faction-A. I have also
watched and listened to the videos or you tubes of speeches made in public
meetings and interviews given particularly by the leadership of Faction-A, very
carefully by taking notes. I have also read very carefully the political
program of Faction-A. It is really amazing to discover how this group of OLF
was and still are fooling the Ethiopian community. Particularly those
intellectuals in the Diaspora. In turn the Diaspora groups are the ones who are
misleading those who are emotionally and organically attached themselves to the
misery of Ethiopian society. With this type of sincere attachment, it appears,
this society will accept anything for the sake of Ethiopian society without
questioning its implications and its deceptions.
Now I will start
discussing the five topics that I have lined up.
1. What factors forced Faction-A to stop and think about their current political dilemma?
1. What factors forced Faction-A to stop and think about their current political dilemma?
1.1 Not ESAT.
In my opinion, the hosts
of this social media that interviewed Faction-A leaders were not completely on
the side of the unity of Ethiopian people. Their questions were not forceful,
aggressive and developmental. They were not thoroughly prepared by reading
articles, press releases of Faction-A with the main objective, first by coming
out of the box they locked themselves in, to provide the facts about OLF to the
Ethiopian people in general and to the Oromo people in particular. Sincere and
organic concern with the unity of Ethiopian people, on the part of these ESAT
hosts, would have brought up hidden motives and deceptions to the surface and
exposed it to the Ethiopian people in general and the Oromo people in
particular. Instead, they were providing them a forum to further deceive the
Ethiopian society. Their nature of questioning was in fact reviving a dying
liberation front. I can give a number of concrete examples beginning from the
interview of Dr. Dimma Negeo as to how the interviews were not penetrating,
well calculated and at the same time very instructional to those who are
Here are three concrete
examples to show how some of these ESAT hosts are not seriously concerned about
the unity of Ethiopian people. In fact they re sabotaging it. During the
telephone interview of Gen. Hailu Gonfa they improvised the interview: a) by
projecting the carved out map of OLF and the invented OLF flag being stuck on
the map, b) by displaying armed fighters of OLF, to show the force of OLF, and
c) displayed about four individuals raising the flag of OLF on a hill top
exactly duplicating the Iwo Jima war memorial erected in Arlington adjacent to
Arlington Cemetery. Iwo Jima memorial represents a very hard fought victory of
1945 over Japan by the United States marine corps. Does ESAT understand the
meaning of displaying of such symbol? Is ESAT prophesying a victory by OLF over
the people of Ethiopia, at the expense of the unity of Ethiopian people? This
farfetched and laymanish comparison. It is like a comparison made by another
uninformed Ethiopian artist. This Ethiopian artist compared the treatment of
Ethiopian people with that of the horrible and humanly in comprehendible
treatment of African slaves during the journey by being forced to enter the
United States of America, and after they entered America. He is simply a
political salesman slowly exposing his true characteristics. He has the
potential to say and do anything at the expense of the unity of Ethiopian
people. Birds of the same feather flocked together.
These are the reasons
for saying these ESAT hosts are not concerned about the unity of Ethiopian
people. And these are the reasons for saying they are in fact sabotaging the
unity of Ethiopian people. Unless they are tunnel versioned they should be able
to comprehend the interpretations and the implications of what they are talking
and doing. By the substance of their primary questions and then by the follow
up questions, one can observe that they have not even thought about it. In my
opinion at any time and whenever any issue are discussed or brought up with
OLF, whether it is with Faction-A or with Faction-B, it automatically assumes
the ultimate objective to be the unity of Ethiopian people. Therefore, it
automatically controls the drift and the development of the discussions or the
question and the answer processes. There cannot be any other reason. Contacts
and discussions based on this principle can be initiated and perused with the
two factions until the issue is completely resolved. But there cannot be any
negotiations of any form on the principle of the unity of Ethiopian people.
No one in good
conscious, can talk or discuss about the economy, education, health, human
rights and the rule of law with OLF factions. Because, since their struggle is,
as repeatedly stated to be self-determination up to and including independence
of Oromo people, it is none of its business and it doesn’t concern it. It
should not, never, be allowed to use these Ethiopian people’s issue to be used
as a Trojan horse to disarm meek Ethiopians. The behavior and the act vividly
demonstrated during the interview process shows the political prostitution of
ESAT. Therefore, since it is sabotaging the unity of Ethiopian people it should
be denied any type of funding. It is a crime against the people of Ethiopia to
fund it with this type of clear political prostitution.
Please read the
interview of Dr. Nuro Dedeffo by “The Ethiopian” news paper. One would clearly
see how this journalist slowly and with logical thought processes was
developing a complete picture of what was and is going on in the minds of these
Faction-A leaders. I will use this interview at the later stage of this
1.2 It is not Ginbot 7
I firmly argue that a
multinational political organizations aught not in any way cultivate nationalities
oriented political organizations particularly liberation fronts. If not openly,
the concealed objective is to discourage the formation of nationalities
oriented political organizations because the ultimate objective is to maintain
and foster a united and undivided Ethiopia. I think, at least this kind of
thought process is subliminal. For an extremely poor country such as Ethiopia,
in the midst of abundant natural resources to top into, the unity of its people
is a must to guaranteed stability. In a country where over eighty nationalities
exist, stability is a function of economic development hence the eradication of
Here, it does not mean
to disparage or do anything negative or to campaign against the existing
nationalities political organizations particularly inside Ethiopia. In my
opinion these nationalities political organizations will wither out through
time, that is, when the Ethiopian people become the supreme owner of the
administrative process of the country. The result of May 15, 2005 as well as
the result of 2010 elections illuminated this process of withering out of the
nationalities political organizations. Particularly in the 2005 election, the
nationalities political organizations were no where near even to be considered
to form a coalition government. Because, the overwhelming majority of those who
came out to vote, voted for the multinational political organizations. They
refused to fall into the trap of the divisive division of the country by TPLF
along ethnic and language boundaries. This is the historic phenomenon that the
liberation fronts, particularly OLF could not comprehend at all. I am
wondering, whether, even the intellectuals in Diaspora comprehended this
historic revelation.
Ginbot 7 tried its level
best to reconcile the factions of OLF. Ginbot 7, this fake political
organization, did not realize that it is cultivating a liberation front
determined to dismantle Ethiopia. Not only that it became an instrument to
revive a dying liberation front. Ginbot 7 is a dangerously opportunistic
political prostitutes political organization that aught to be dismantled.
Did you observe the
drama of the Virginia public meeting of February 19, 2012 held by Ginbot 7 and
Faction-A? One of the telling drama was the welcoming speech made by Oromigna
which was translated into amarigna, against the reality. It was funny. Was it
necessary to do such laughable thing? All those attending the meeting perfectly
speak, write, and understand amarigna, including those Oromos who would be
perhaps about 10% of the attendee. Commonsense, which is the major deficient
factor in the OLF leadership, would dictate to use the amaric language. For one
thing it would have been efficient and effective in the sense that it would
have shown how sincere and practical they would be when talking about “one
Ethiopia” and “united Ethiopia.” For another it would have shown their
confidence in themselves and truthfulness in what they claim they are pursuing.
In addition, as far as I am concerned it is hypocritical to write in Oromigna
and English on the advertisement poster. Please compare it with the
advertisement poster of Alliance for Freedom and Democracy, of October 8, 2006.
The other drama was the
display of the logos on the advertisement posters. Faction-A has a different
logo than the one displayed as a logo which was the flag of OLF. The OLF flag
should not have been used as a logo. If the OLF flag were to be used as a logo
then the Ethiopian flag should have been displayed at a parallel position. It
is simply a rational thing to do. The logo that was displayed by Ginbot 7
cannot represent the flag of Ethiopia. The logo displayed by Ginbot 7 could be
the logo of Senegal or any other African states that use the three colors of
Ethiopian flag, that is, the use of the three colors with different
combinations and positions. In my opinion the dramas I mentioned above is not
only an insult to the intelligence who were attending the meeting and reading
the posters through the internet, it also shows the weakness and the corrupt
political characteristics of Ginbot 7 that traces back to Ethiopia. These
dramas should not be viewed as something trivial. It clearly shows how the most
fundamental matters such as the protection of the unity of Ethiopian people, at
any cost, were not taken to heart. Anything and everything that is done with
Faction-A, it aught to be noted , ultimately revolves around the unity of
Ethiopian people.
1.3 It is the
persistent, strong and harsh criticism of OLF by seriously concerned
There were and still are
individuals who have been anti OLF position. To name one of them is Getachew
Reda. These individuals persistently exposed the destructive and divisiveness
of OLF to the unity of Ethiopian people. Why? Because they were and still are, which
I am going to prove below, for independence of Oromiya. It is critically
important to note that the independence of Oromia cannot be seen separately
without the destruction of Ethiopia. I sincerely hope that this will sink in
In my opinion, the last straw was my article, “OLF’s Inconsistencies, Lies and Fabrications of History.” This article did expose the true nature of OLF in a very concrete manner. Particularly the coming out of Faction-A and publicly “softening up” its position, even though it was deceptive, in different media outlets was after this article.
In my opinion, the last straw was my article, “OLF’s Inconsistencies, Lies and Fabrications of History.” This article did expose the true nature of OLF in a very concrete manner. Particularly the coming out of Faction-A and publicly “softening up” its position, even though it was deceptive, in different media outlets was after this article.
1.4 It is the
recognition on the part of Faction-A, the none existence of organic political
linkage with the Oromo people inside Ethiopia therefore doomed to fail
irreversibly therefore they must do something about it.
Now it is trying its
level best to hook up with Ginbot 7 to resuscitate its political life and
meticulously design its ultimate objective to be carried out with the help of
Ginbot 7 and its political allies. It was unable strengthen itself by bringing
together the Oromo political organizations therefore it has to throw its lot
with Ginbot 7, perhaps a position that would backfire in the future.
Particularly for Faction-A it is a question of survival. It has to have a forum
to tell its existence riding on the back of the donkeys.
1.5 The most critical
one is, particularly Faction-A clearly realized that the people of Orom was not
and still are not behind its independence theory. How dare one tell the
builders of Ethiopia you are not Ethiopian? This is what always baffling me.
Here are concrete historical experiences that show that the Oromo people were
not following, hence not behind OLF.
Experience number one is
that had OLF been sure that the Oromo people was behind it, in 1991, when there
was no government in Ethiopia, it would have declared its independence by over
riding the control of TPLF. It had its flag. It had its carved out map. There
are over thirty million Oromos, a power house. So what held back OLF from
declaring its independence? The simple fact is that it did not have the full
confidence of the Oromo people that it will follow it and back it up. The Oromo
mass was not and still not behind OLF then, and now behind Faction-A.
Experience number two is
what took place when OLF was part of the transitional government. They did not
have the confidence in themselves to convert the opportunity they had into a
potential political threat and be taken seriously by TPLF. They were not in a
position to challenge TPLF because they know that the Oromo mass would not back
them up. I don’t think OLF trusted the Oromo people even to hide it. Otherwise
the whole leadership would not have evacuated and migrated to foreign
countries. The positions of Faction-A in relation to the Oromo people aught to
be the lenses through which we should look into it very critically. In my
opinion it is a floating front. It is simply in the air with no roots. Not
roots mean no attachment and hence no nourishment.
Mankelklot Haile Selassie (PhD)
April 5, 2012
www.ethiopiansemay.blogspot.comMankelklot Haile Selassie (PhD)
April 5, 2012