Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Neamin Zeleke, For God-sake Don’t Meddle- Stay out of it! ጌታቸው ረዳ (Ethiopian Semay)

Neamin Zeleke, For God-sake Don’t Meddle- Stay out of it!
ጌታቸው ረዳ (Ethiopian Semay) 
Recently, few days ago, the so called Ginbot 7 executive member Neamin Zelleke did an interview with the BBC TV broadcast. His interview was hailed as heroic and brilliant English speaker by some nuts and ignorant Diaspora oppositions who clearly lack the depth of this man’s mission and the propaganda he made on behalf of the Eritreans for the last 10 years by disrespecting Ethiopians who were abused by this brutal one man rule in Eritrea and his criminal gangs.

 Mr. Neamin, I heard your mambo jumbo response with amusement on the interview you gave to BBC Hardtalk host Stephen Sackur. 

Dear readers;
Here is the link if you did not hear the interview.

Neamin Zeleke on BBC Hardtalk: Patriotic Ginbot 7 and Ethiopian Current Affairs

Brilliantly, The host challenged Neamin Zeleke of Ginbot 7 official with this fairly brutal fact asking him;-

“Where is Berhanu Nega, leader of G7?”
 your response was;-

 “Yes, Professor Berhanu is in Eritrea!”

 Sackur asked back;

 “Eritrea of course, long term hostile enemy of Ethiopia. It doesn’t look good when you and..., I know you go to Eritrea too; you spend all of your time, not in Ethiopia, not all of it in Washington, much of your time in a country which is the most hostile enemy of Ethiopia.”

 Neamin’s ignorant respond to the host’s comment was;

 “Well, Eritrea is the most hostile enemy of the regime not of Ethiopians and Ethiopia!” 

Did I hear you Mr.Neamin  right? How so?

Mr. Neamin, I did beg you several times in my different commentaries in the past not to meddle between us the Ethiopians and those Khmer trained brutal “Pol Pot” gangs who are currently colonizing the Eritrean people using the de-facto name “Eritrean regime”. As the host clearly warned you ‘this does not look for you!”. Regardless, we the people with families victimized by these criminals in Eritrea appealed to you not to romanticize these wanted criminals as friends of Ethiopia, you still did not give value to our appeal and warnings. Therefore, we are obliged to challenge your meddling behavior with facts any time you meddle with no shame to the history of pen. 

This of opportunistic character and mercenary behavior with Isyas does not even benefit to the Tigrayans lead by TPLF in the past who sacrificed Tigrayan lives for Eritreans, leave alone for you who you are only a beggar in the eye of Isyas. TPLF gave thousands and thousands of our Tigrayan brothers and sisters to fight with Eritrean side to mass murder the Ethiopian defense army, which they did. But, finally, Isayas betrayed the Tigrayans and involved with a crime of ethnic atrocity carried in each cities hunted Tigrayans like a dog in every house and murdered them (just like Rwanda genocide- I do not know why this does not get splendid coverage by the media- perhaps it was written in Tigringa and has limited its scope of reaching vast readers/media)  - (I will present this document written by Dr.Solomon Equbay  Tigringa book “ጥልመት  (Betrayal) on Part 2.

I am not even going to mention here, the most obvious hostility the world witnessed what Isayas committed towards Tigrayans and their school children, from which he got satisfaction for murdering Tigrayan school children with a bomb cluster from the air. You and your likes that are trying to minimize or even denied ever any crime carried by Eritreans against our people (Ethiopians) in order to convince the world that Isayas lead Eritrea is a friend not most hostile to the Ethiopian people is ridiculous and even counted as mercenary’s work. By doing so, you are becoming like an ‘opportunistic-infection’ to our people. You are in the mission of weakening the mind of the current young generation so they will not know their enemy.

Of course we understand you are trying to convince the Eritrean ruling elites with your most known opportunistic character by denying our people not to feel their pain and suffering done to them by these “Khmer Gangs” in Eritrea, so you to be trusted by them and get more financial and logistical support for your mediocre organization known as Ginbot 7, which is been sitting for ten years in Eritrea doing nothing, but sneak into the Tigrayan territory kidnapping poor Tigrayans who were trying to make ends meet, working as daily workers in the traditional Gold digging mining centers (in the none governmental supervised remote areas). It is on record. The Kidnapped victims by G7 were guests on Tigringa VOA and spoke all about the brutality of Neamin Zeleke’s organization “ArbeGnoch Ginbot 7 did to them after it kidnapped them.

 So, yes, the Eritrean de facto leader is brutally hostile and most dangerous criminal who caused so much damage to our Ethiopian people. Of course as the BBC journalist clearly argued with you, Eritrea is the enemy and hostile of our people. Not only he is hostile to us, he is also hostile to Eritreans also.

Let us bring the crime records of your Isyas Afewerki and his gangs one more time again.
Here, I am not going to explain the illegal closure of the sea ports and the illegal referendum and all that….. That is a whole different matter by itself. But, let us see how Isayas and the Eritreans also were brutal and most hostile to our people.

I am here going to show you two different stages of abuse against Ethiopians by Eritreans and their colonizer so called “EPLF”.  (some illiterates Eritreans might be shocked when they saw the word ‘colonizer”- but there never was worst colonizer seen in Eritrea, never was human value trashed as the era of Isyas who infected  (injected) medical Doctors with HIV virus for refusing to cooperate to medically murder the regime’s adversaries. Listen this video audio interview from this victim himself (Dr.Nisredin Mensur)- then tell me if any colonizer did this to Eritreans ever before in its history

ኣይቀትልን ስለዝበልኩዎም ደመይ ብቫይረስ በኪሎሞ ዶክተር ነስረዲን መንሱር ካልኣይ ክፋል


The two eras of stages of hostility by Eritreans towards us which I want to focus are in 1991 and in 1998. Let me start with the latest one that our memory is still active than the 1991 mass deportation, rape, robbery, insult, (dehumanization) , abuse, atrocity….which is highly sensitive to bring it to our memory. Neamin Zeleke and his Eritrean supporters can disregard and deny such crime ever taken place against Ethiopians by Eritrean leadership and Eritreans themselves- but we as Ethiopians can’t forget such from our memory. It is on record!

አህያን የጦር ሠራዊት ልብስ አልብሰዉ; የጦር ሠራዊት ጫማ አድርገዉለት’ “ዉሽ  እያሉ ኢትዮጵያዉያኖችን አህያዉን እያሳዩ ነበር  የሚደበድቡን……”

(ከኤርትራ በግፍ እንዲወጡ የተደረጉ ኢትዮጵያዊን) posted at Ethiopian seamy- source Reporter


I will start with the tangible newspaper of the Reuter’s news report how and the way Ethiopian citizens deported from Eritrea right after the Badme conflict started. This abuse was carried 1) by Eritreans 2) with collaboration by TPLF leadership (for ignoring the abused…). Let us see in short summary;-


Ethiopians expelled from Eritrea complain of abuse

By Matthew Bigg

ADDIS ABABA, June 27 (Reuters) - Ethiopian citizens expelled from the Eritrean port town of Assab complained on Saturday they had been mistreated by both sides in a seven-week border conflict between the Horn of Africa neighbors. 

They accused Eritrean authorities of deporting them with little warning, administering beatings and confiscating property, but also said Ethiopia had neglected to provide support. Their accusations came as Ethiopia and Eritrea traded a fresh war of words over the expulsion and detention of civilians living in each other's countries and the U.N. Security Council condemned the conflict. Ethiopian returnees billeted in disused military barracks in Addis Ababa accused the authorities of leaving them to fend for themselves without food, proper shelter or mattresses. ``When we arrived here nobody treated us well because they said we were the lost people,'' said Tsahinesh Abera, who had brought her four children back from Assab. 

``When things went well in Eritrea they treated us well, but when things went badly they treated us like dogs. ``Now we don't know who we are, whether Eritreans or Ethiopians,'' she said. Her three-room house, small grocery store and business videos had all been confiscated, she said.  Yusef Ali said he was jailed for two days and beaten with sticks and rifle butts before his expulsion. On Friday Ethiopian government spokeswoman.

 Selome Taddesse accused Eritrea of mistreating more than 600 civilian detainees. ``Though they have committed no offence they continue to be exposed to the worst form of torture, atrocities and inhumane treatment and are denied freedom to leave Eritrea,'' she said in a statement. A further 400 Ethiopians living in Eritrea had been expelled to the Afar region of northeastern Ethiopia, part of more than 4,000 expelled since the conflict began, she said…” (Emphasize added)

On my next part 2 explanation I will bring you the Amharic translation I did for the readers to understand it which I got it from a book written in Tigringa documentation of crime authored and researched by Dr.Solomon Enquay all crimes perpetrated by Eritrean gangs and also government securities (we will see this on Part 2). For now I want you to see this video and my commentaries how the Eritrean defacto government showed his hate to the people of Ethiopia and to the Ethiopian flag that was a symbol to all Africans which was hoisted with pride all over Africa after the Ethiopians defeated the Italian colonizers in Adua. If this is not hostile towards Ethiopians, what is hostile mean in terms of definition?

Read my commentary and video evidence የኤርትራ ባንዳዎች 26ኛው የባርነት በዓላቸው ሲያከብሩ በኢሳያስ አፈወርቅ ትዕዛዝ የአባቱ እና የእናቱ የሆነችውን የኢትዮጵያ ሰንደቃላማ ተቦጫጭቃኮምቢሽታቶጎዳና ላይ በሰልፈኞች እንድትረገጥ አዘዘ! ጌታቸው ረዳ (የኢትዮ ሰማይ አዘጋጅ)

 See below how the Eritreans were disrespecting our flag in Asmara last year (2017 during their independence day)

2017 Eritrean Independence Carnival Show ምርኢት ካርኒቫል (May 22, 2017)

Stretch the video stream at 49 through 55 –you will see the hostile act of Isayas against Ethiopia.

Mr. Neamin, I like to remind you what your hero and conceder ‘a friend’ by you, what he did to our families and children in the May 1990 Air bombardment in Tigray children school (Aider children school) in Mekelle, and his response to the carnages he committed when asked what he thinks about the carnage of mothers and children in a school yard.

 At that carnage 53 children (15 of them mothers of the children) and 183 people heavily wounded.
During the bombardment 53 school children and 15 of them mothers’ of the children, age 3months age, 1, 3, 3,4 years old were bombarded along their mothers while carried on their mother’s back.

Here is what he said:-

 Tigringa “ ኣብ ኩናት እዚ ዘሎ እዩ፡ ኣብ ኩናት ሰላማዊ ሰብ ክልከም ግድን እዩ። (መልሲ ኢሳያስ አፈወርቂ)

 እቲ ፓይለት ናይታ ኣይሮፕላን ድማ

“<<ኣብታ  እተሕምሞም ወቒዐዮምበለ። (ሐበሬታ ካብ ጥልመት- ገጽ 375 - ደራሲ ሰለሞን ዑንቋይ- /)

English Translation;-

<<“At war collateral damage is normal. During war, peaceful people will inevitably victims”>> (Isyas Afewerki)

 Source- (Tilmet- p. 375-author Selemon EnQuay (PhD)

The pilot responsible for the bombing responded when asked how he fills about slaughtering school children and their parents;

 “I hit them where it feels” (I bombarded them where it feels the most!)

(the pilot responsible for the carnage- source same as above)

Mr.  Neamin!  The Victims are our families, not yours! Stay out of it!
 Part 2 will continue if necessary
(ጌታቸው ረዳ Ethiopian semay) 

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