መታወቂያችን አማራ ስለሚል ተመርጠን ታሰርን
Amhara Ethiopians who are Victims of ethnic cleansing by TPLF governement in Ethiopia
Getachew Reda Ethiopiansemay.blogspot.com
getachre@aol.com Those who wants to purchase my book they can call (408) 561 4836 please also leave your number when you leave a message slowly and clearly.
ሁለት ነገሮችን ልበል።
ስለ የስየ አብርሃ ተማሪው አብርሃ በላይ አንድ ልበል፡
በአንፃሩ ደግሞ “ክፉ ዓይን አየን/
ክፉእ ርኢና” በሚል ርዕስ የተቸሁበትን የአበበ ገላው እና የመለስ ዜናዊ ግብግብ፤ ከላይ እንደገልጽኩት ውጭ የሚኖሩ ጥቂት የኢንተርኔት
አንባቢዎች ኢትዮጵያዊያን አንባቢዎች የተነበበ ቢሆንም፤
ከአገር ወዳድ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ምክር
ጽሑፉ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ በተዘዋዋሪም ቢሆን የመነበብ አቅም አለው የተባለለት “ኢትዮ-ሚዲያ” የተባለው የአብርሃ በላይ የኢንተርኔት’የህዋ
ሰሌዳ እንድልከው እና አገር ውስጥ ያሉት ዜጐቻችን እንዲያነቡት ሃሳብ ቀርቦልኝ ሕሊናው ገና በመብቀል ላይ ያለው “በቂም በቀል
የታኘከው” አብርሃ በላይ፤ የኔም ሆነ የዶ/ር አሰፋ ነጋሽ፤ፕሮፌሰር ጌታቸው ሃይሌ፤ ዶ/ር ማንከልክሎት ሃይለስላሴ እና ሌሎች
እንደማያስተናግድ ስለማውቅ ብልክለትም “እንደማያወጣው” ስለማውቅ ባልስማማም፤ “ደህና ሞክረውና ላክለት” ስላለሉኝ የነሱን
ምዕዳን እና አክብሮት ላለመጋፋት ስል ብልክለት ባንድ ወገናችን
አማካይ በእኔ እና በእርሱ መካካል
የተደረገው የደብቤ ልውውጥ ላይ ጽሑፉ እንዲለጠፍ ከፈለገ ጌታቸው ረዳ እኔን ይቅርታ መጠየቅ አለበት ሲል ሳያፍር “በፈውዳላዊ”
ሕሊናው መልስ የሰጠውን አስነብቤ ወደ ዋናው ርዕስ ልለፍ። እንዲህ ይላል፡
“I think he should apologize for his
child-like behavior if he wants to see his piece posted on Ethiomedia.com” እንግዲህ
ይህ ነው አብርሃ በላይ ማለት። ስለ አበበ እና መለስ ዜናዊ የጻፍኩትን ለኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ እንዲተላለፍ እና እንዲነበብ ከተፈለገ
መጀመሪያ “ቀኛዝማች አብርሃ በላይን” እግራቸው ስር ወድቄ ማሩኝ ጌታዬ ብየ መለመኝ አለብኝ ማለት ነው። ይህ ምንን ያሳችሗል?
ወያኔዎች እና አብርሃ በላይ የፖለቲካ ነገሮችን ወደ ግል ቁርሾ ወስደው ጥርሳቸው ውስጥ አስገብተው እንደ ስጋ ማኘክን ልዩ ኩራት
ስለሚመስላቸው፤ የአገርና የሕዝብ ጉዳይ በግል ጥላቻ ስለሚመነዝሩት /ስለሚመለከቱት እንደዚህ ዓይነት አኩሪ ስራ ለሕዝብ እንዳይተላለፍ
ሕዝብ ጋር እንዳይደርስ ያግዱታል። የጻፍኩት ትችት ስለ ጌታቸው ረዳ መስሎታል፤ጽሑፉ ግን ስለ አበባ እና መለስ ዜናዊ ግብግብ ነው።
ባጭሩ አብርሃ በላይ የጋዜጠኛነት ሙያ ምን ማለት እንደሆነ ስለማይገባው ከብዙ የደብዳቤ ልውውጥ በሗላ እንዲህ በሚል መልሼለት ልውውጡ ደምድመነዋል፤ ይህንን አንብባችሁ ወደ
ሚከተለው ዋናው ርዕሳችን እናምራ።
“ Abraha Belay- you refused to post it to the Ethiopian people, because you take everything exchanged between you and me in politics as personal. You did a huge damage to the Ethiopians by blocking my commentary just as TPLF did to freedom of expression. What differs you from TPLF media if you take politics personal and block my view from reaching my people and my country? You need to revise yourself one more time for betterment thaነ what you are doing now.You blocked me, Dr.Assefa, Prof. Getachew Haile, the late Dr. Aleme Eshete, and aslo Dr.Mankelkilot Haileselassie and many scholars & patriots from being read by Ethiopians, who can better put arguments than you and your heroes can when it comes to the issue we raised. Unfortunately you decided for the people before it reach the people and block it as TPLF did.What a notorious press tyrant you are! Do you understand what you are doing? Can you see the similarity on this matter between you and TPLF media? You need to revise your policy. Most of all do not allow anti Ethiopia propaganda groups and elements while you are blocking the scholars and patriots I mentioned. you are blocking highly respected patriots who knows their subject well. You really need to revise your policy and position. You are not my enemy- you are still my friend regardless I am not happy with your positions and politics you are serving. You need to be better than Kinfu Assefa and the Abugida and the rest of the narrow Tigray and Amhara hater websites. bye. Thanks also to Ato….for his effort. Getachew Reda.
በ13 ዓመት የውጭ አገር ኑሮው “በፖለቲካው
ትግል ማንን ማገልገል እንዳለበት ያልተማረው “የስየ አብርሃ ተማሪ” ኣብርሃ በላይ ለወደፊቱ ይሻሻል ይሆናል የሚለው
ተስፋየ እየመነመነ ነው። ለማንኛውም ብቻ “ፀረ አማራ እና ፀረ ሚኒሊክ፤ፀረ የኢትዮጵያ ሰንደቃላማ” ቡድኖች እና ጽሑፎችን በድህረ
ገጹ ላይ ማስተላለፉን እስካላቆመ ድረስ እና አገልግሎቱን እስካላቆመ ድረስ የኔ ብዕር እግር ዕግሩን መከታተሉን አያቆምም። በጎ
ስራ ሲሰራ ግን አበበን እንዳሞጐሰስኩት ለሱም ማመጐሴን አልነፍገውም። ያ እንዲሆን ግን መጀመሪያ ራሱን ማንቃት አለበት።
የኔ የትግራይ ጀግኖቼ ከጐኔ የሚቆሙ እነ ጀግናው ገብረመድህን አርአያ እስካሉ ድረስ
እነሱ የኔ መመኪያዎች ናቸውና አብርሃ በላይ አኮረፈ አላኰረፈ ለኔ እሚንት ነው።
መታወቂያችን አማራ ስለሚል ተመርጠን ታሰርን ሲሉ ቅሬታ አቀረቡ
ፍኖተ ነፃነት የተባለው አገር ውስጥ የሚታተም ወረቀት በማክሰኞ ግንቦት 21. 2004
በፈረንጅ አቆጣጠር ደግሞ (ሳንደይ ሜይ 29፣ 2012)
የሚከተለው ዜና ዘግቧል።
ከሚዛን ተፈሪ ወደ ዲማ ለሥራ ስንሄድ ኬላ ላይ መታወቂያ እየተመለከቱ ሲፈትሹ መታወቂያችን ብሔር በሚለው ቦታ ላይ አማራ ስለሚል መርጠው እስር ቤት ከተቱን፡፡ ሲሉ ለዝግጅት ክፍላችን ገለጹ፡፡ እነዚህ እስር ቤት ቆይተን ተፈታን የሚሉ ሰዎች እንደሚሉት “ዲማ በጉልበትህ ሠርተህ የምታገኘው ገንዘብ አለ የሚል መረጃ ስለደረሰን ሥራ ፍለጋ በመጓዝ ላይ ነበርን፡፡ ሚዛን ተፈሪ ስንደርስ ለፍተሻ ከመኪና ውረዱ አሉን፡፡ ወርደን ለፍተሻ ዝግጁ ሆንን፡፡ መታወቂያቸው ኦሮሞ፣ ትግሬ፣ ጋምቤላ፣ አፋር የሚል እንዲሳፈሩ ተፈቀደላቸው፡፡ አማራ የሚለውን 16 ሰዎች ሰብስበው እናንተ እንድታልፉ አይፈቀድም ብለው ሚዛን ተፈሪ ፖሊስ መምሪያ ወሰዱን፡፡ ከዚያም እስር ቤት አስገቡን፡፡ ከዚያም ሌላ 20 አማርኛ ተናጋሪዎች ተይዘው ታሰሩ፡፡ ምን አጠፋን? ወንጀል ሳንፈጽም ለምን ታስሩናላችሁ? ብለን ስንጠይቃቸው ወደዚያ ከሄዳችሁ አደጋ ይደርስባችኋል፡፡ ወደዚያ አማራ ሄዶ እንዲሰራ አይፈቀድም ብለውናል፡፡” ሲሉ ቅሬታቸውን ይገልፃሉ፡፡
“ትኬት ቆርጣችሁ ወደ አማራ ክልል ተመለሱ ብለው ከሦስት ቀን በኋላ የተወሰንን ሰዎችን ለቀቁን፡፡ ብዙዎቹ አሁንም በእስር ላይ ናቸው፡፡ እኛ ወደ ትውልድ መንደራችን ለመሄድ ገንዘባችንን ጨርሰናል፡፡ ብንሄድም ቦታ ስለሌለን ማረፊያ የለንም፡፡ ለዚህ ነው የቀን ሥራ ሠርተንም ጉርጓድ ቆፍረንም ህይወታችንን እንቀይራለን ብለን ጉዞ ጀምረን የነበረው፡፡ ሆኖም ግን አማራ በመሆናችን ተዘዋውረን ሠርተን እንዳንበላ ተደርገናል፡፡” ሲሉ አማረዋል፡፡
በመቀጠልም ሲናገሩ “እኛ ታስረን መፈታት ችለናል፡ ፡ ዛሬም ሥራ ፍለጋ ወደ ምንፈልግበት እንድንሄድና በነፃነት ከቦታ ቦታ እንድንቀሳቀስ አልተፈቀደልንም፡ ፡ ህጋዊን መንገድ ትተው በእግራቸው ጫካ ለጫካ ጉዞ የጀመሩ በርካታ ሰዎች ተገላዋል፡፡ በአውሬ ተበልተዋል፡ ፡ ሲገደሉም በአውሬ ሲበሉም የአካባቢው ኃላፊዎች ምንም የሚሰማቸው ፀፀት የለም፡፡ ህገ ወጦች ናቸው፡፡ እንኳን ሞቱ እንኳን ተበሉ እያሉ ሲሳለቁ ይሰማል፡፡” ካሉ በኋላ “የሚመለከተው የመንግስት አካል ጉዳዩን በጥሞና ተመልክቶ ውሳኔ ይሰጠን፡፡ ተዘዋውረን የመኖርና ሠርቶ የመብላት መብታችን እንዲከበርልን አሳውቁልን፡፡” በማለት ጥሪያቸውን አቅርበዋል፡፡ የሚዛን ተፈሪ ፖሊስ መምሪያ በጉዳዩ ላይ አስተያየት እንዲሰጥበት ያደረግነው ጥረት አልተሳካም፡፡ይላል፤ ዜናው።
ከኢትዮጵያ ሰማይ አርታኢ
እና ጓደኞቹ የተላለፈ መልእክት እንደሚከተለው ነው፡
Dear readers, as you
can glean from the above news, the systematic discrimination against the Amara
people is being stepped up. It was the Belgian colonialists who issued identity
cards bearing ethnic names like Hutu & Tutsi and laid the ground for the
gruesome genocide we witnessed in Rwanda in 1994. The Nazi party in Germany
forced the Jews to wear the star of David in order to easily identify and
dehumanize them. Compare what the Tigrean ethno-nationalists, who have targeted
the Amara people as a mortal enemy from day one of their existence, have succeeded
in doing with impunity.
Through the mass media they monopolize, first they demonized the Amara people and reduced them to the status of wild beasts who should be hunted down and dehumanized because of their identity. The demonization of the Amaras is such that even nobody seems to take note of the systematic war of extermination of these people. And now the actual process of systematic genocide is taking place against Amaras, albeit, in a different form i.e. by denying them the right to move and work outside the Amara ethnic enclosure TPLF created in 1991.
The systematic genocide against Amaras has been going on for the last 21 years and now it is assuming even a more uglier form. This trend bodes ill for the coexistence of Ethiopians as people. Compare the denial & curtailment of rights of movements of the Amara people with the unprecedented economic tentacles the ruling Tigrean elites and their ethnic supporters have been able to spread into all corners and crannies of Ethiopia thereby siphoning off the wealth of the country.
After 21 years, members of which ethnic groups have been empowered visibly and disproportionately than the Tigreans & the Adares? Unite not to reform but to dismantle the Tigrean regime - a regime that is quintessentially the negation of anything pan-Ethiopian. The displacement of the Gambella, Afar, Oromo, Amara, etc. people and the transfer of their lands to local investors (mostly Tigrean millionaires) and foreign investors should be resisted. The Ethiopians whom TPLF tried to disunite should band together to reclaim their rights & liberate Ethiopia from the clutches of Tigrean-ethnonationalists who symbolize the ideology and praxis of the Italian fascist rule our gallant ancestors fought against 76 years ago. Unite and organize to make a difference in your life and that of your children. Otherwise, you bequeath enslavement to your children !!!!!!
Through the mass media they monopolize, first they demonized the Amara people and reduced them to the status of wild beasts who should be hunted down and dehumanized because of their identity. The demonization of the Amaras is such that even nobody seems to take note of the systematic war of extermination of these people. And now the actual process of systematic genocide is taking place against Amaras, albeit, in a different form i.e. by denying them the right to move and work outside the Amara ethnic enclosure TPLF created in 1991.
The systematic genocide against Amaras has been going on for the last 21 years and now it is assuming even a more uglier form. This trend bodes ill for the coexistence of Ethiopians as people. Compare the denial & curtailment of rights of movements of the Amara people with the unprecedented economic tentacles the ruling Tigrean elites and their ethnic supporters have been able to spread into all corners and crannies of Ethiopia thereby siphoning off the wealth of the country.
After 21 years, members of which ethnic groups have been empowered visibly and disproportionately than the Tigreans & the Adares? Unite not to reform but to dismantle the Tigrean regime - a regime that is quintessentially the negation of anything pan-Ethiopian. The displacement of the Gambella, Afar, Oromo, Amara, etc. people and the transfer of their lands to local investors (mostly Tigrean millionaires) and foreign investors should be resisted. The Ethiopians whom TPLF tried to disunite should band together to reclaim their rights & liberate Ethiopia from the clutches of Tigrean-ethnonationalists who symbolize the ideology and praxis of the Italian fascist rule our gallant ancestors fought against 76 years ago. Unite and organize to make a difference in your life and that of your children. Otherwise, you bequeath enslavement to your children !!!!!!
spread the word & pass it on to all those Ethiopians who should know about
this Nazi-type behavior of TPLF. Those
who have access to Twitter and Face book, please it pass it on to others.
Thanks. Getachew Reda
Ethiopian Semay www.ethiopiansemay.blogspot.com
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