የወያኔ ትግሬዎችና አሽከራቸው ኢትዮጵያዊ
ሶማሌው አብዲ መሐመድ ዑመር በግንጠላ ሴራ የተሳተፉበት ሰነድ
ከአዘጋጁ ማስታወሻ፡
Ethiopiana Semay
The Three Plotters (Ethiopian Semay) |
ይህ የተደበቀ የግንጣላ ሴራ የያዘ ሰነድ ለሕዝባችን ይፋ ሆኖ እንዲታወቅ
ያደረገቺው ‘ልዕልት’ ተብላ የመጀመሪያዋ ኢትዮጵያዊት ሞዴል፤ እንዲሁም ‘ዳላስ’ ተብሎ በብዙ ተመልካች የሚደነቀው የአሜሪካ ፊልም
ተዋናይ የነበረቺው እና ሰብአዊ መብት ተሟጋች ሆና በርካታ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ወታደሮች ከየመን የኑሮ ሲኦል ወደ አሜሪካ፤ካናዳ እና
ሌሎች አገሮች እንዲሸጋገሩ የረዳች፤ በተጨማሪ ማንዴላ ከእስር እንደተፈታ አፍርካን ሲገበኝ አስጎብኚ ሆና የተመረጠቺው እህታችን
የሐረር ወርቅ ጋሻው
በቅጽል ስሟ “የኢትዮጵያ ወርቅ”
በመባል የምትታወቀው አማካይነት ነው ይህ ሰነድ ይፋ ሆኖ አንድናውቀው ያደረገቺው። ሰነዱ ከሁለት የተቃዋሚዎች (ኢትዮ-ፓትርዮትስ እና ኢትዮ-ኤክስፕሎረር’ ሌሎች ካወጣችሁት አላየሁም
ይቅርታ) ሚዲያ በቀር ሌሎቹ እንዳላወጡት አይቻለሁ። ለምን የሚለው፤ ሁላችሁም እንደምታውቁት ፤የዲያስፖራው ሚዲያዎቹ በጸረ
አማራው እና በሻዕቢያው ቡችላ እና ለሌንጮ /ኦነግ ዲፕሎማሲ የሚለፋው በግንቦት 7/ኢሳት/ በኩል የተበከሉ/አጋር የሆኑ ስለሆነ፤
እሷም ይህ ድርጅትና ሚዲያቸው እንደኔው ስለምትቃወማቸው፤ አገራዊ እና አንገብጋቢ መልዕክት ቢሆንም የሷን ስራ እና ጥርት ስለሚያፍኑ አላወጡትም።
የሚያስገርመው ግን፤ የሻዕቢያ አግልግሎታቸው እንዳይጓደልባቸው ሲሉ በየድረገፆቻቸው “ኢሳያስ የጀርመን
እና ስዊድን መሪዎችን እንዲህ አላቸው፤ ወያኔን አንዲህ ብሎ ሰደባቸው...” ወዘተ እያሉ ከባዕዳብ ድረገጾች የተገኙትን ዜናዎች
እየቀዱ በድረገፆቻቸው ሲለጥፉለት እና ለአለቃቸው ፕሮፓጋንዳ ለመስራት ግን አልቦዘኑም። ሆኖም ሰነዱ እኛ እስካለን ድረስ ታፍኖ
አይታፍንም እና እህታችን እንድናውቀው የላከቺውን መልዕክት እንሆ ሰነዱን ከዚህ በታች ይምልከቱ።በኢትዮጵያ ላይ የኢሳያስ አፈወርቂ፤
የመለስ እና አይሁዳዊው አሜሪካዊ ሐርመን ኮኸን ሴራ እውን እንደሚሆን ስንከራከር የነበርነውን ማስረጃችን ዛሬ ይኼው ወደ ተግባር እየተለወጠ መምጣቱን ከዚህ ሌላ ማስረጃ ሊኖር አይችልም። አመሰግናለሁ።
ጌታቸው ረዳ (Ethiopian Semay አዘጋጅ) getachre@aol.com
አለም አቀፍ የኢትዮጵያውያን እና ኢትዮጵያውያን አሜሪካን
የዲፕሎማሲ፡ የፖሊሲ ፡ እና የሂሪንግ ካውንስል
አንገብጋቢ ማሳሰቢያ ከዳላስ ፡ ቴክሳስ ዩኤስኤ ።
መጋቢት 27-2009 (1-2-2017)
the secret secession agreement between Tigray and Somali gangsters in power to destroy Ethiopia |
በሰው አገር ገብቶ ሱማሌው መሬት ልቁረስ ጥያቄ ጋር በተያያዘ ፡ የምናቀርበው
በታሪክ የተደገፈ ሃቅ ስላለን በሚቀጥለው እስክንገናኝ ለሁላችሁም የተባበሩን ጥያቄ እናቀርባለን :: ይሄውም ፡ ይችን መልክት ለምታነቡ
ሁሉ ፡ የበኩላችሁን የዜግነት ግዳጅ በመሆኑ ፡ ይሄንን መረጃ ለምታውቁት ኢትዮጵያዊ ወገን በሙሉ ፡ በሶሻል ሚዲያ ሳይቀር ባገኛሁት
ሕዝቡ ያገኘዋል ብላችሁ በምታስቡት ሁሉ እንድታስተላልፉት ነው።
ኢትዮጵያ ለዘለአለም ትኑር!
ከአክብሮት ጋር ፡
የኢትዮጵያ ወርቅ (የሐረርወርቅ) ጋሻው።
Is there a secret project of declaration of independence of the Tigre region?
February 3, 2017, 13:14
"We will also declare our
independence if the Tigray region took the first step," said Abdi Mahamoud
Omar, President of the Region Somalia to Ethiopia, during a conciliation
meeting between officers of the national army Ethiopian and Somali clans of
Ethiopia held in Jigjiga the last week of January 2017.
president of the Somali regional state of Ethiopia, expressed his wish for
independence in the presence of Major General Abraham Woldemariam, head of the
Ethiopian army stationed in Harar, General Mehari Zewdu and Major General
Ibrahim Jalil who Is a member of the Ethiopian Ministry of Defense. "We do
not want to stay with the Amharas if the Tigers leave the Ethiopian federation
and our land rich in natural resources will not be a wealth for the Amhara
region and source of poverty for the Somalis of Ethiopia" added Abdi
Mahamoud said abdi iley, President of the region Somalia .
this consultation meeting on the independence and wish the Somali region of
Ethiopia tabby, almost all the wise men of Somali clans of Ethiopia were
present and were able to witness the progress of the draft declaration
Independence of the Tigray region. The president of the region Somali of Ethiopia that rolls under the orders of Mekele was
also mentioned in his speech that he had the military strength to defend
against the Oromo region and prefers independence from the return of power to
Addis Ababa in the hands of an elite of the Amhara region.
of Somali state leadership in Ethiopia have repeatedly, in anonymity, informed
the Somali media about an independence project in the Tigray region. These
Jigjiga officials had added that the Tigre elites were pushing Abdi Iley,
president of the Somali region, to follow them in their project of independence
because with such a strong ally, the Tigre region has the chance to see his
project And will not have to suffer too much pressure.
39 (3), 42 and 47 of the 1994 Ethiopian Constitution clearly stipulate that the
right to secession is part of the right to self-determination of nations
irrespective of their number, political or historical status. The only
limitation of this right is that all regional or local bodies must fulfill
their functions and exercise their rights within the framework of democratic
principles, the rule of law and in conformity with the mandatory rules and
spirit of The Ethiopian Constitution.
: Existe-t-il un projet secret de déclaration d’indépendance de la région Tigré
vendredi, février 3, 2017, 13:14
Actualités, Actualités d'Afrique, Dossiers,
Droits de l’homme, Erythrée, Ethiopie, La rédaction, Pays, Revue de Presses,
Société & Business, Somalie
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Nous allons déclarer aussi notre indépendance si la région du Tigré fait le
premier pas », avait dit Abdi Mahamoud Omar, président de la région Somalie de
l’Ethiopie, au cours d’une réunion de concertation entre des officiers de
l’armée nationale éthiopienne et les sages des clans somaliens de l’Ethiopie
qui s’est tenue à Jigjiga la dernière semaine du mois de janvier 2017.
président de l’état régional somalien de l’Ethiopie, a exposé son souhait
d’indépendance en présence du Major-général Abraham Woldemariam, chef de
l’armée éthiopienne stationnée à Harar, le général Mehari Zewdu et le Major
général Ibrahim Jalil qui est un cadre du ministère éthiopien de la défense. «
Nous ne voulons pas rester avec les Amharas si les Tigrés quittent la
fédération éthiopienne et notre sol riche en ressource naturel ne sera pas une
manne de richesse pour la région Amhara et source de pauvreté pour les
somaliens de l’Ethiopie » a rajouté Abdi Mahamoud, dit abdi iley, président de
la région somalie.
cette réunion de concertation sur les souhaits d’indépendances de la région
somalienne et tigré de l’Ethiopie, presque tous les sages des clans somaliens
de l’Éthiopie ont été présent et ont pu être témoins de l’avancée du projet de
déclaration d’indépendance de la région Tigré. Le président de la région
somalie de l’Éthiopie qui roule
sous les ordres de Mekele avait aussi cité dans son discours qu’il disposait la
force militaire nécessaire pour se défendre contre la région Oromo et qu’il
préfère l’indépendance face au retour du pouvoir d’Addis-Abeba dans la main
d’une élite de la région d’Amhara.
Des proches de la direction de l’état région
somalien de l’Ethiopie avait à mainte reprise, dans l’anonymat, informé les
médias somaliens d’un projet d’indépendance de la région Tigré. Ces
fonctionnaires de Jigjiga avaient rajouté que les élites de Tigré poussaient
Abdi Iley, président de la région somalien, à les suivre dans leur projet
d’indépendance parce qu’avec un tel allié de poids, la région Tigré a la chance
de voir son projet aboutir et n’aura pas à subir trop des pressions.
articles 39 (3), 42 et 47 de la Constitution éthiopienne de 1994 stipulent
clairement que le droit à la sécession fait partie du droit à
l’autodétermination des nations quel que soit leur nombre, leur statut
politique ou historique. La seule limitation de ce droit est que tous les
organes régionaux ou locaux doivent s’acquitter de leurs fonctions et exercer
leurs droits dans le cadre des principes démocratiques, de l’État de droit et
en conformité avec les règles obligatoires et l’esprit de la Constitution
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