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የሚታየው የወያኔ ገበና ማህደር አዲሱ መጽሐፍ ለመግዛት $30.00 ዶላር ሲሆን ይድረስ ለጎጠኛው መምህር መጽሐፍ ደግሞ $25.00 ወይንም ሓይካማ የሚለው የትግርኛ መጽሐፌ ደግሞ $15.00 ዶላር ብትልኩ መጽሐፎቹን ማግኘት ትችላላችሁ።Getachew Reda P. O.Box 2219 San Jose, CA 95109 Phone (408) 561 4836
ጌታቸው ረዳ (ኢትዮጵያን ሰማይ)
አርበኛ እና ደፋር ስለው የነበረው፤ ዘፋኞችም እንዲሁ “ታማኝ የታለ” እያሉ የዘፈኑለት አዝማሪው/ቀልደኛው/የኪነት ሰው/ፖለቲከኛ/ታጋይ/የስባዊ መብት ጠበቃ…..ታማኝ በየነ ዛሬ በማያሻማ አነጋገር ማንነቱን ነገረኝ። ለዚህም አናደደኝ፤ ስለሱም አፈርኩለት።
ታማኝን በመገሰጼ ብዙ ሰዎች እዚህ በመምጣትም ሆነ በየፎረሙ/ መድረኩ ሊንጫጩብኝ ይሆናል፡ ተንጫጪዎቹ ያላወቁልኝን ነገር ካለ እንዲያውቁት የምሻው ነገር አንድ ነገር ልበል። እኔ ትግል ስጀምር ገና በጣም እጅግ በጣም ወጣት ሁኜ ነው የጀመርኩት። ከዛ ጊዜ ጀምሮ እስከዚቺው ደቂቃ ድረስ ብዙ ጠላቶች አፍርቻለሁ፤ ብዙ ወዳጆችም አፍርቻለሁ። ትግል ውስጥ ስገባ እኔ ሁለቱንም እንዳፈራ ብየ አልገባሁም። ያከበሩኝ ሲጠሉኝ የጠሉኝ ሲያከብሩኝ እንደዚሁ ሲቀያየሩ አይቻቸዋለሁ። አትኩሮቴ ሁኔታው የምመለከተው ለእኔ ኢትዮጵያ በጣላት እንደ ተከበበች ሁሉ እኔም በተለያዩ ጠላቶች እንደተከበብኩ አውቃለሁና ልምዱም ስላለብኝ ብዙም ባትንጫጩ እና እራሰችሁን ሳታበሳጩ የምለውን ብቻ በአትኩሮት አገናዝቡት። መንጫጫቱ፤ስድቡ፤ ጋጋታው ያስደነግጠዋል የምትሉ ግሪን ካርድ አመልካቾች/ አዲስ መጤ የግንቦት 7 የሽምቅ ተዋጊ ሃይሎች ካላችሁ ጌታቸው ረዳን አላወቃችሁትም ማለት ነውና ብዙ ሳትለፉ ለምሰጠው ተግሳጽ ተገቢውን መልስ መስጠት ይጠበቅባችኋል።
እኔ ወያኔዎችን ስቃወም ከትግራይ ሰዎች ውስጥ እጅግ ጥቂቶች ነበርን። ያኔ ሲደርስብኝ የነበረው የጎሳ ስድብ፤ የፖቲካ ስድብ፤ የማስፈራራት ስድብ በጣም በጣም ብዙ ነበር። በስሕተት ጎዳና እና በስሜት ተወጥረው ይጓዙ እንደ ነበር ስለማውቅ ጉዳይም አልቆጠርኩት። ከጊዜ ብዛት ሲሰድቡኝ የነበሩት ሰዎች ሁሉ ዛሬ አብረውኝ በመቆም የተቃዋሚ ድረ ገጽ በመክፈት ወያኔን ከኔ በባሰ ሲቃወሙ እና ሲዘልፉት ለማየት በቃሁ። ለዚህ ደግሞ እግዚአብሔርን አመሰገንኩት። አንዳንዶቹ ምን ይሉኝ፤ምን ይጽፉብኝ እንደ ነበረም አልነገርኳቸውም። አንዳንድ ጽሑፋቸው ሳነበው ተክ ብየ እስቃለሁ። አንዳንዱ ዶክተርነቴን ይሰጠኛል አንዳንዱ ዶክተርነቴን ይነጥቀኛል። ምንነቴን ሳያውቁ ምን እያሉ ያሙኝ እንደ ነበር ሰዎች ስልክ ይደውሉልኝ እና የተናገሩትን ይነግሩኛል። ዛሬ ወያኔ ስለተቃወሙ ይቅር ብያቸው አውቄ እናዳላወቅኩባቸው በሆዴ ይዤው ከነሱ ጋር እስቃለሁ/በስልክም አወራለሁ።
ተሻሽለው ስላልተሸሻሉ ግን ”ገዛ ተጋሩ በሚባለው የሌሎኞቹ ዘረኞች ፓል ቶክ ክፍል ተጋብዞ “ኢመርጀንሲ” ከገጠማት ትግራይ አንቀጽ 39 በመጠቀም መገንጠል አለባት ያለውን የእነ ገብሩ አስራት” እና መሰል ጓዶቹ ደጋፊዎች ሆነው ብቅ ሲሉ ‘ያለኝን ሃሳብ ድረ ገጻቸው ላይ እንዲለጥፉት ስልከው “አልጣማቸው ነበርና ውጠውት ዝም ይሉ ነበር”። ሲያፍኑኝ፦ መጨረሻ የምተነፍስበት የግሌ ድረ ገጽ ከፍቼ በነፃነት አሁን አስተነፍሳለሁ። ሲያግዱኝ የነበሩትም፤የተበሳጩም፤ ያልተበሳጩም ተቃዋሚዎቼም የማይቀወሙኝም በብዛት ከመላው ዓለም እየጎበኙት ነው።
ተወደደም ተጠላም “ታዋቂ ተቃዋሚ ሰዎች” ታቦቶች ናቸው እና አትንኩብን የሚሉ ካሉ ጌታቸው ረዳ “የዘረኞች የአፍ ልፍለፋ ተዋጊ ቡድኖች ታማኝ ወይንም ኢሳት ወይንም ግንቦት 7 ተነካብን ብለው ያሻቸው ቢቀባጥሩብኝ” መለስ ዜናዊ እንዳለው “የስኒ ላይ ማዕበል” ከመሆን አያልፉም እና ወደ ርዕሳችን እንቀጥል። አዎ የሻይ ስኒ ማዕበል!
ቅዳሜ ዕለት አንድ የትግራይ ሰው ባለፈው ሳምንታዊ ዘገባህ ታማኝን አርበኛ ስትለው አንብቤ “ሰውየው እንዳለወቅከው” አውቄ ነበር። “አርበኛህ ይኼውልህ “የትም ዞሬ ዞሬ ትዝ አለኝ ሩሜ/ክፍሌ በማለት “እናት ክፍሌ” ብለው ከሚጠራው ለብዙ ዓመታት ከትግሬ ጋር እንዳትጋቡ’ እነሱ 5 ሚሊዮን እኛ 80 ሚሊዮን መግጠም አንችላለን” “ካንሰሮች” … ወዘተ እያሉ “ኢንተርሃሙዬ ቅስቀሳ በሚካሄድበት የጸረ ትግሬዎች ‘ካረንት አፌይርስ”ፓልቶክ ክፍል ዘንድ በመሄድ “ሲያሞግሳቸው አመሸልህ/ዋለልህ” ብሎ የቀዳውን ቃለ መጠይቁ ልኮልኝ፤ ሳዳምጠው እውነትም ፡እኔም ሰው ነኝ (ወያኔዎቹ) በተለወጡ ቁጥር የኔም ስሜት በዛው ልክ ይለወጣል” ሲል ኢሳት ውስጥ የተናገረውን ትዝ አለኝ እና ፤እንዴ ለካ ይሄ ሰው የሚናገረው የሚያምነውን ነው ብየ አሁን ከሰነዘረው “ከናት ክፍሉ” ያስተላለፈውን ቃል በቃሉ ላስደምጣችሁ።
ቃለ ምልልሱ የምትመራው ሴትዮ በዕደሜ ባለጸጋ ነች ነው የሚሏት።ዘረኛ በመሆኗ “እንደ ዕድሜዋ ስለማታስብ፤ አንቱታውን ሳልለግሳት” “ባንቺታ”ልጥራት። በጣም ሲበዛ ድንቁርና እና ስሜት ጉራ እና ተራ ውሸት የሚያሸንፋት ጸረ ትገሬ አቋሟ በግልጽ ሳትደብቅ “ጸረ ትግሬ መሆኔን እና ከዛሬ ጀምሮ ዘረኛ መሆኔን እንድታውቁት” በማለት ሳይሰለቻት ሁሌም ደጋግማ እቅጩን በማስታወቂያ መልክ የምትናገረን “ዘረኛዋ ሙያየ ምስክር” የተባለችዋ ሴትዮ ነበር መድረኩን/ቃለ መጠይቁን ለታማኝ በየነ እንዲህ ስትል ጥያቄዋን የምታስቀድምለት።
ሙያየ ምስክር “ወደ ኢትዮጵያውያን ካረነት አፈይርስ የመወያያ መድረክ አንኳን ደህና መጣህ ይላሉ። አንተ ምን ትላለህ?”
ታማኝ በየነ “በጣም አመሰግናለሁ። ከረዥም ጉዞ እና አገልግሎት በኋላ ወደ እናት ክፍሉ ወታደር እንደተመለሰ ወታደር ይሰማኛል።በክፉ ጊዜ የማንለያይ ወገኖቼ እንደምናችሁ ብየ እጅ እነሳለሁ። እንደ ዱሮ እንደ መድረክ ሞያ ከሆነ ደግሞ እንግዲህ “ታማኝ በየነ እባላለሁ።ታማኝ በየነ ማለት ባመነበት የወሰነ፤ወስኜ የምሰራ፤ለምሰራው የማልፈራ፤ሳወራ ከሰውነት ጋራ….እላለሁ፤ እንደምናችሁ እያልኩ እጅ እነሳለሁ….።” (ታማኝ በየነ ካረንት አፈይርስ ከተናገረው የተወሰደ በከፊል 12/12/2011 በፈረንጅ አቆጣጠር)
ትዝ ይላችኋል “ከቅንጅት አመራር ሁለት ሰዎች እንጂኔር ግዛቸው እና ዳኛ ብርቱካን መዲቅሳ ለትግራይ ሕዝብ ይቅርታ ሲጠይቁ”? ያኔ እኔ ሁለቱም ሰዎች ይቅርታቸው መሰረት እንደሌለው ተቃዉሜ ነበር። ቢያንስ ማፈር ነበረባቸው። አድርባይንት ወይንም ደካማ የፖለቲካ ዕውቀት……የፈለጋችሁት ስም ስጡት” ብቻ ተገቢ አንዳልነበረ አሁን አሁን የቅንጅቱ አባሎች እና አመራሮች ከኔው ጋር ተስማምተዋል። አሁን ከወር በፊት በቅርቡ እንኳ “አቡጊዳ” በተባለው ድረገጽ ላይ ስዊዘር ላንድ በሚኖር አንድ የቅንጅት አባል እና ጋዜጠኛ የተጻፈው ጥያቄ “ለጥያቄው የሰጠሁትን መልስ ይመልከቱ”።
ከአራት ዓመት በፊት እንዲሁም ለማስተዋስ እንዲመቻችሁ ስለ ብርቱካን የጻፍኩትን እንዲህ ይላል;- “Why her group decided to come out with this bad publicity and communication is beyond believe. Her thoughts to apologize for Tigrayans on behalf of Kinijt is absolutely irresponsible and showed that there seems to be no potential buyer to her group if she and her supporters used such appology for cheap and temporary political gains and popularities. It is only a matter of time if I or she or her group are correct to appologize or not to appologize Tigrayans with such baseless ground of appology.”
ከአራት ዓመት በፊት እንዲሁም ለማስተዋስ እንዲመቻችሁ ስለ ብርቱካን የጻፍኩትን እንዲህ ይላል;- “Why her group decided to come out with this bad publicity and communication is beyond believe. Her thoughts to apologize for Tigrayans on behalf of Kinijt is absolutely irresponsible and showed that there seems to be no potential buyer to her group if she and her supporters used such appology for cheap and temporary political gains and popularities. It is only a matter of time if I or she or her group are correct to appologize or not to appologize Tigrayans with such baseless ground of appology.”
በዚህ መልክ ሃቁ ዛሬ ምን እንደሆነ የምትረዱት ይመስለኛል። በወቅቱ ግን ብዙ ዘለፋ ተሰንዝሮብኝ ነበር (በቅንጀት ይቅርታ ጠያቂ ደጋፊ ወገኖች እና በወያኔ ትግሬዎች በኩል)።
ታማኝ በየነም በእዛው አዲስ (ዊርድ) ንግግሩ የታዘብኩት ነገር ቢኖር “”ፓወር ኮራፕትስ ፓወር” እንደሚባለው፤ ለዓመታት የገነባው ገናናነት ታማኝን “ኮራፕት” (ያበሰበሰው/ያበላሸው/ያጃጃለው” መሰለኝ። ሁሉም በኔ እጅ ነው ፤ብዙ ሰው አፍርቻለሁ፡ ሙዚቃው ለኔ ሕዝቡ ለኔ፤ዛፉ ድንጋዩ ወደ እኔ ይሰግዳል፤ያንጨበጭበልናል ወደ ሚለው “ፍጹም ዘላቂ እምነት”ራሱን እየመራ ይመስላል። ገናናነቱ እያደገ በመጣ ቁጥር “ኤምፓየርነት/ጉልተኛነት/ሃያልነት/ያበጠው ይፈንዳ/ የምን ይሆናሉ-ነት..” ስሜት በውስጥ እየተገነባ ይመጣል” ፍጹማዊ እውነታው ከሕዝቡ ሲለገስለት እና አውን ሲሆን መስመር ይዟል እና የሰው ፍጡር በመሆኑ ወደ “ዕብጠት”በመለወጥ ወደ ውሸት የመንፈስ አዘቅት ይዘፈቃል። “ስልጣን እና ታዋቂነት” ሞኛ ሞኝ ይሰሩሃል። እኛ እና እግዚአብሔር የሚለየን በዚህ ባሕርይ ነው። ለዚህም ይመስላል፤ የትግራይ ሕዝብ በሚሰደብበት እና ከትግራይ ሕዝብ ጋር ወይንም የትግራይ ደም ካለው ሰው ጋር እንዳትጋቡ; እንዳትበሉ; እንዳትጠጡ……እየተባለ በሚነገርበት “ራዲዮ ቴሌቪዚዮን ሊብሬ ዴስ ሚሌ ኮሊኒስ” የተባለው ለ1994 ቱ የሩዋንዳ የዘር ማጥፋት ዕልቂት ተጠያቂ ዘረኛ ራዲዮ ዓይነቱ ወደ ሆነው “ኢትዮጵያን ካረንት አፈይርስ ዲስካሽን ፎረም” ወደ ተባለው ዘረኛ የፓል ቶክ ቡድን በመሄድ “ትግሬዎች ምን ልትሆኑ ነው”በሚል ዕቡይ ስሜት ተወጥሮ መረን በመልቀቅ “ወደ ኢትዮጵያውያን ካረንት አፈይርስ የመወያያ መድረክ አንኳን ደህና መጣህ ይላሉ። አንተ ምን ትላለህ?” ብላ ዘረኛዋ የመድረኩ ዋና መሪዋ ስትጠይቀው
“በጣም አመሰግናለሁ። ከረዥም ጉዞ እና አገልግሎት በኋላ ወደ እናት ክፍሉ ወታደር እንደተመለሰ ወታደር ይሰማኛል።” ይህ እንዲህ ዓይነት ለእኛ ለትግሬዎች ጀሮ በጣም አስቀያሚ መልስ መስጠት የተገደደበት ምክንያት በግልጽ እንዲያብራራልኝ እጠይቀዋለሁ።
ታማኝ ገናናነቱን በገዛ እጁ እራሱ ኮራፕት/እያበላሸው/ እንዲሆን የመምጣቱ ጉዳይ ይህ ነጋሪ ምልክት ነው እላለሁ። ለተወሰነ ጊዜ ከዛው ከዘረኞቹ ምድጃ ተነጥሎ ቆይቶ አሁን ግን ተመልሶ ወደ ምድቡ በመመለሱ “ልክ ወደ እናት ክፍሉ ወታደር እንደተመለሰ ወታደር ይሰማኛል።” ሲል የታማኝ ምድብ ቦታ “በጸረ ትገሬነቱ ትግሬዎች ብቻ ሳንሆን ሌሎች ወንድሞቻችንም ጭምር ብዙ ጽፈው ያወገዙት የካረነት አፈይርስ ፓልቶክ ሩም እንደነበረ እና፤ ዛሬ ግን፤ ከብዙ ጊዜ በኋላ ወደ ምድብ ቦታው ወደ “ዘረኞቹ” መመለሱ በደስታ እና በኩራት ሲገልጽ “የገናናነት ብልሹነት ባሕሪ” (ገናናነትን በትዕግስት እና ባግባቡ ባለመንከባከብ) የመጀመሪያው ደረጃ ሳይሆን “ከፍተኛው የገናነነት ንቅዘት” ባሕሪ ነው።ለብዙ ሰዎች “ሥልጣን እና ገናናነት” የሚያጓጓ ቢሆንም ሁለቱም ነገሮች መጠበቅ ካልቻልክ እና ባሕሪያቸውን እና አጠቃቀማቸው ካላወቅክባቸው ንቅዘቱ እያደረ ቀስ እያለ ከጊዜ ብዛት ልክ ሰማይ የወጣህበትን ርቀት ያህል ወደ ቁልቁል ሰትወርድ አደገኛ አወዳደቅ ይገጥምሃል።
እነ ጋዳፊ እንደዚያ ሲንጨበጨብላቸው፤ ገናናነቱ ስላባለጋቸው እና አጠቃቀሙ ስላላወቁበት “ወደ ትዕቢት” በማምራት መጨረሻቸው ያየነው ነው። ታዋቂ ግለሰዎች ከዘረኞች እና ከማይገቡ ክፍሎች መደበላለቅ ካበዙ “እንዳልተከደነ ጠላ እያደሩ ይነፍሳሉ”።
የትግራይ ሕዝብ የፈለገው ቢቃወመኝ ጉዳዬ አይደለም፤ወይንም ጥቂት የትግራይ ሰዎች “ካረንት አፈይርስ ስለተቃወሙ” ወይንም “የካረንት አፈይርስ ስብስብ ዘረኛ ግለሰዎች የጠየቁኳቸውን ፍራንክ እና ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ስለሚያዋጡልኝ እና ስለሚወጡልኝ” “ስለ ትግራይ ሕዝብ አቋማቸው ጉዳያችን አይደለም” ስለ ዛቻው እና ቅስቀሳው ትግሬዎቹ ይቸገሩበት”……ትግሬዎች ካወገዙት ፓል ቶክ መግባት እና መልክታችንን ማስተላለፍ ሃጢያት የለበትም……..ወዘተ፣ የሚሉ ሰዎች በማወቅም ባለማወቅም ለዘረኞቹ “የዘምባባ ዝንጣፊ” እያቀበሏቸው እና “ዘረኛነታችሁ፤ ጸረ ትግሬነታችሁ ቀጥሉበት” እያሉ እያበረታቱ እንደሆኑ መታወቅ ይኖርበታል።
የሰው ልጅ የሚለካው በስብስብ፤ በሆሆታ፤ በገናናነት፤በደምጸ መረዋነት ሳይሆን “በሚከተለው መንገድ እና በሚያስተላልፈው የመልእክት ጥራት ነው” ከትግራይ ሕዝብ ጋር እንዳትጋቡ፤ አርቋቸው፤ ነቀርሳዎች ናቸው፤ ታማኞች አይደሉም፤ስልጣን ስይዙ አገር ይሸጣሉ.. “ካንሰሮች” ናቸው እና ከመለከአ ምድራችን ቀፍፈን አናሰወግዳቸው” ከሚሉ የተለያዩ ዘረኞችና ክፍሎች ጋር መተሻሸት ወይንም እጅ መንሳት ወይንም ማመስገን ፤ጣምራ ትግል ማካሄድ፤ በበኩሌ መወገዝ ያለበት ያልተቀደሰ አካሄድ ነው።
ዘረኞቹ እነ ሙያየ ታማኝ በየነ እንዳለው “በክፉ ጊዜ የማይለያዩ ወገኖቹ” ከሆኑ እነኚህ ደንቆሮዎች ሊያመጡብን የሚመኙትን ክፉ ቀን አብሯቸው እንደማይደባለቅ ተስፋ አድረጋለሁ። እሱ እንደሚለው “ታማኝ በየነ ማለት ባመነበት የወሰነ፤ወስኖ የሚሰራ፤ ለሚሰራው የማይፈራ” ከሆነ ወደ እዛው ምድብ ቦታው መመለሱ ደስ ያለው ይህ “የካረንት አፈይርስ ምድብ ወታደር” አስቦበት እና ወስኖ የተቀለቀላቸው ስለሆነ ለዛውም ምንም ፍራቻ እንደሌለው እና ቅሬታ እንደማይሰማው ስለነገረን በገዛ እራሱ ገናናቱ ለማበላሸት “ቁልቁለት አፋፍ” ላይ እንዳለ ገናና ወታደር እንደሆነ ስነግረው በወንድማዊ ምክር ልብ እንዲለው ይህ መልእክት አስተላልፍለታለሁ። ታማኝ የትግራይን ሕዝብ ዘላፊዎች እና መጥፎ ተመኚዎች “ምድብ ቦታየ” ነው ብሎ በካረንት አፈይርስ ወታደርነት ለማገልገል “ወስኖ ከተነሳም” ትግሬዎች እንደሚሉት “ከይኮነ ለብም፤ ከይተሰብረ ጸግን” (ከመሆኑ በፊት ልባም ሁን ከመሰበሩ በፊት ጠግን”) ይላሉ። አመሰግናለሁ። ጌታቸው ረዳ (ኢትዮያን ሰማይ) www.ethiopiansemay.blogspot,com
"ዓይን፡የራሷን፡አታይም"።አቶ፡ጌታቸው፡ረዳ፣የተከበርከውን፡ያህል፡ ለሌሎችም፡ሐሣባቸውን፡የመግለጽ፡መብት፡አልላቸው፡ብለህ፡ብታሥብ፡ መልካም፡ነበረ።ታማኝ፡በየነና፡የከረንት፡አፌሩ፡ክፍል፡ታዳሚዎች፡ ተቃውሞ፡ትኩራታቸው፡በትግሬ፡ወያኔዎች፡በነ፡ነብሰ፡ገዳዮችና፡ ከሃዲዎች፡ለገሠ፡ዜናዊና፡ምሽቱ፡ዘረ፡ከሃዲዋ፡ዓዜብ፡መስፍን፡(ጐልላ፡ ከነ፡ገብረ፡አበሮቻቸው፡እንጂ፡በትግሬ፡ሕዝብ፡ላይ፡ጥላቻ፡አይደለም። ከትግሬ፡አትጋቡ፡ይላልሉ፡የምትለውን፡ፅንሰ፡ሐሣብ፡ደግሞ፡አረመኔው፡ የትግሬ፡ወያኔው፡ለገሠ፡ዜናዊ፡ያመነጨው፡እንጂ፡ከኢትዮጵያውያን፡ የፈልለቀ፡አይደለምና፡እስተ፡ዛሬ፡የደከምክበትን፡ተግባርህን፡ አታብበላሸው።
As I said it before time after time, your likes have been hypnotized by clever orators and Ho HoTa type of group. If you think about politics in Ethiopia, the very first thing public leaders should be aware is to not associate themselves with GOSENGOCH. In other words “not to walk into a place where Angeles fear the most” . That is racism.
What your Tamang did was foolish. Foolish is lacking in intelligence, simply someone who had behaved foolishly. That is exactly why people say “Fools rush in where Saints fear to tread”.
Racists such that group in that Pal Talk are dangerous. You might not feel it because the target is not you, but we as Tigrayans feel the target, the threat that room is been airing for many years. We have all their threats on record. If you do support Tamnag praising racists because he is “not seasoned politicians”, it is your problem, not mine. One should not have to be seasoned politician to flirt with a well know racist group. You need to take your silly thoughts and defense where you learn it first.
My struggle throughout was simultaneous. I fight TPLF racism and the so called opposition as well. Your intention and focus with your leaders is “only TPLF”. Victim should not be your target. That is exactly what you ignorant out there are targeting “Tigrayan society” instead of the TPLF elite” To reach your goal.
You must first decide upon which sector you want to influence. Many people like you have their eye on someone already; someone whom they want to be with. And that is ZERENGOCH and GOSENGOCH who hate Tigraya society. I am not going to sit idle when you support or called them comrades someone who threat their existence or insult my sister, my brother, my aunts and so on something they never know of your own politics. These are farmers I am talking about. How can an activist praise a Pal Talk that urges Tigrayans to disperse? How can anyone support and consider his COMRADE who urge not to marry or any relation a person with Tigrayan blood? You all need to stop these racists all over before it grows into the Rwanda type politics. Your Tamangs Ho Ho is nothing to me if he conceded racists his comrades or if he doesn’t condemn what they do.
He follows TPLF’s racism, but not the opposition is weird as you are. I don’t fight TPLF to please you, I fight TPLF because I see it a threat to our Ethiopia. At the same time I challenge ignorant activists when I see them getting corrupt by temporary gains. It is not only you; there are many confused oppositions and media editors who do not know who their target is.
There is no excuse for any opposition to air racism against Tigrayans. You like my writings, you like my books when I expose TPLF’s attacked against Amhara society, but you don’t like me to expose racist opposition against Tigray society is something of your own zombie you need to examine. Thanks Getachew Reda *Editor)
No body is against the people of Tigre. Tamagn is not agaist the people of Tigre. But you, Ato Getatchew Reda are against Tamagn, and ESAT. Are you supporting what the fascist Legesse Zenawi is killing the people of Ethiopia, and Tigre?. Are supporting this banda Leggese Zenawi and his gang continue doing like this?. Tamagn is against Leggese Zenawi's administration. Not against the people of Tigre. What you are doing against Tamagn is out of line. Do you think you have the right to insult Tamagn, and make him stop to use his freedom of rights?. Does he not have the right to express what he had felt about his people, and Country?. You said, "We Tigrians"...... But Tamagn is saying, "We Ethiopians". Unless the people of Tigre is marching together with other Ethiopians what you are afraid of is going to happen. Stay focus on unity. Or join Leggese Zenawi's admintration openly.
From the editor to Moges;
If you don’t produce your answer each of them in a given time that I will wait to hear from you based on your accusations/statements- I will remove you or even ban you forever. I am not going to spend my time to those who do not know what they are talking about or to those who failed to read what is in there.
Here is what you said;
“No body is against the people of Tigre.”
What does “Nobody” in your understand of the word meant?
“Tamagn is not agaist the people of Tigre.”
Where the hell did you read me Tamange is against the people of Tigray?
But you, Ato Getatchew Reda are against Tamagn, and ESAT.
I have my reasons, so what. If you doesn’t follow my writings why I challenged them each for reasons I explained publicly- I can’t help you but to let you believe Tamang or ESAT are exceptional people or organization from criticism. Their church/Saints not mine. You get it now? You can’t force anyone to worship one particular church that you believe on? Do you? I support them when they do good job and subject to my pen when they failed. That is politics- it is not religion as you think it is.
Are you supporting what the fascist Legesse Zenawi is killing the people of Ethiopia, and Tigre?.
When did you join the struggle? Did the above book authored by me express about my supporting Meles Zenawi? How long did you stay in the struggle?
Tamagn is against Leggese Zenawi's administration.
Does it matter, because he is against Meles zenawi or not- if he praised similar racists,, then he ought to think twice? Your Tamang might not be against Tigrayans by your own view, but he is praising racist groups who threat Tigrayans. He praised groups who openly aired and proclaimed that “THEY ARE RACISTS” do you think Tamange have the right to support racists and turn around tell me he love and respect Tigrayans? Do the Math here, if one activist praised Hitler followers and turnaround said, he loves the Jew; - does it make sense to a normal person?
Do you think you have the right to insult Tamagn, and make him stop to use his freedom of rights?.
Show me the insult. If he deserve, you know Getachew Reda never hesitate to insult him if I find doing something that he shouldn’t do.
Does he not have the right to express what he had felt about his people, and Country?.
Where did you see in my article, I said “he have no right to express what he felt about his people”?
You said, "We Tigrians"...... But Tamagn is saying, "We Ethiopians". In what content? You are a fool. I fought TPLF even before Tamange for the benefit of Ethiopia. You seemed to be a child to me to understand me.
“Unless the people of Tigre are marching together with other Ethiopians what you are afraid of is going to happen. “ So if the people of Tigray doesn’t march with agenda of racist Pal Talkers, then what I am afraid- in that sense “Rwanda type of ethnic cleansing against Tigrayan is going to happen”? Where will you yourself be at that moment to eradicate us? I am a Tigrayan, will you be there to run the Ethnic cleansing operation against us? Or somebody other than you called “Ethiopian people” is going to carry your mission on your behalf, while you have a good time watching Satellite TV?
If you do not answer those questions one by one, I will remove you immediately.
Ato Getachew reda enea diregestwon andandea egobegnalehu ena andandochu articlow tru nachew lemsalea balefew gize sile bandearachin lij teklea yetenagerw betam tru new yalut mikniyatum bandearachin be fstum dirdrwust megbat yelebetim yih manim ETHIOPIAWI ayikebelewum benea astesaseb lij tekle hulu negerun say ye shaebiya kitergna new yemilew ena silesu deg bilewal.ahun degmo sile tamagn yemilut din enea alsmama endanebebkut erswo betam besmeat new yestafut ena andandea smeatawinet sihtet wust yiketal ena rega yibelu.
You failed to answer them , so you are removed officially from posting. If you do somehow, it will stay on the board for few moment then my tech advisor for the blog will trace your email and band it. Dont take my time and your time if you have no clue how to answer questions raised to you. Thanks Editor.
From the editor
To all visitors.
I will accept all your views pro or against. Unless you come up with details why you do not like my comments - simply by saying: I am disappointed by your comments" or "this time, you are not right" or "Rega Yibelu" type can't help me or readers to understand why you oppose my commentary. When one wants to hit the point- it is there sitting in front of you eyes to read it. Bring it point by point. If you fail to do so you are talking to yourself not to me as you should intent to do why you are here to comment in the first place.
When I write my weekly commentary, I don’t expect all of you to like it. How so? I don’t expect all of you to do that. I am sending the messages to trigger your brain of thinking about your leaders and icons. So you should react accordingly.
When I do commentary about activists and leaders, I intentionally is triggering their brain to think right when they screwed up or aired a corrupt view. You have to understand my target. If the points I raised can’t be defeated by any of you by quoting what I said about your leaders or idols- then it remains undefeated and need to get attention. Thanks.
A thanks letter from the Editor:
To all the people who called me- via telephone
from Europe, Denmark, Canada and from South Africa. Thanks for your sweet, wise and mature expressions (particularly special thanks the caller lady from Denmark- thanks.) and views that you all have support for my view.
As I said over and over, the so called opposition in particular I am talking about the Ginbot 7 leaders and their racist support Pal talk groups are have failed time after time to challenge me in the bases that I have argued. For example the Tamange silly praising to the racist Pal Talk groups on which he linked with them as his comrades is one issue that none of them can challenge my comments one by one. No one yet came to disprove my points.
“Targetting Tigrayan people” instead of the TPLF elite” is where certain opposition supporters are practicing. When attacking and threatening Tigrayan society including me picturing me as TPLF, then their goal is surely for doomed not for victory. At the same time the people of Tigray will getting more further suspicious of the opposition when they hear such threat coming out on Pal Talk media on the air. That is what is happening. Let alone Tigrayans who are already suspicious of the opposition- the so called opposition can’t mobilize “the Ethiopian people”. They too are sitting like a BUTTER that is waiting a fire to hit it. But the opposition an institution of theoreticians with no action on the ground. The Ex TPLF and X TPLF president are heading the struggle – what a shame!!!!! These are criminals a lot of blood on their hand!
I spoke many Tigrayans worldwide via telephone by calling them each; to talk with them in the general issue and conditions- majority of them told me it is difficult to trust the opposition due to their hate monger character. One told me from London “even if we associate ourselves with the opposition, they do not put trust on us as they do also accuse you as TPLF”. If they accuse you as TPLF, who else do they think will go for their “BS”. He said it openly. And this is a bad sign. You need to understand that “threat on Pal Talk” will push away many people from the front line.
Having said this- I truly tanks the EPRP members and supporters who are truly Ethiopian at hurt and challenged many different racist elements who are anti Tigrayan society on the Pal Talk every day that I and few friends witnessed them defending Tigrayan society on Pal Talks and on their websites Thanks you all. History is recording. Tigrayans society must appreciate EPRP for their unwavering Ethiopiawinet as the organization was also lead by many Ethiopian Tigrayans. Glory for those who gave their life and unity. I hear the racist Pal Talk elements day in day out casting EPRP. We know now why their leader Birhanu Negga and his Shaabia puppet Pal Talk room where going after EPRP right from the begging of his conspiracy to disunite the CUD until now. I am advising people over and over do not put society as your primary target. If you do you are the looser. Getachew Reda
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