Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Chatting Apes inside the Ethiopian Current Affairs Pal Talk

;">ይድረስ ለጎጠኛው መምህር (አማርኛ) $25.00 እና ሓይካማ (ትግርኛ) $15.00 መጽሐፌን ለመግዛት ዕድሉን ያላገኛሁ ካላችሁ በሚከተለው አድራሻ ደውላችሁ ማግኘት ትችላላችሁ Telephone (408) 561 4836 (Getachew Reda P.O.Box 2219 San Jose, CA 95109) The Chatting Apes inside the Ethiopian Current Affairs Pal Talk By Getachew Reda ( I just cannot let some of the insane stories of chatting of the day that I heard on some of the Pal talks (Bertukan Mediksa’s news of release from prison related issue) go by without comment. The hot news of the day is Bertukan Mediksa’s release from prison. Her release from the TPLF’s notorious prison (kaliti) in Addis Ababa sent a wave of joy to the comp of the Ethiopian political oppositions (that includes me). I am happy for her, simply because her imprisonment was not just, and was of the arrogance and tyranny attitude of the fascist junta in power in Addis Ababa that sent her to prison for a second time. It is obvious that the criminals in power simply want to show her and the public, that, no one is allowed to freedom of opinion regardless the criminal in power knew it was not the opposition leaders who murdered 200 people during a protest that lead to the appraisal or public riot (civil disobedience), but the criminals themselves who are in power, out of frustration, ordered with the shoot to kill proclamation after the ruling party felt alien to the Capital city with no one left in support of them (What a unforgettable lesson and a shocking news it was to the junta)! Bertukan had no record of any political involvement before Kenijit, besides she was a judge. Now, what led to her arrest to begin with and what happened after her return to Ethiopia after visiting her supporters abroad, and what lead to her imprisonment and all the trends, cries, anger, praises…… obvious to all of us for the last 25 months. Now, she is out of prison after asking for pardon. She apologized the King of TPLF and the system he ruled by admission of guilt for committing crime and coup d’état (which we all know she confessed or admit the crime for the second time by physical or psychological torture while she was in prison based on lingering of justice that seemed no justice to be found no matter how long you are in such prison). Is it acceptable or admirable for a political leader the way she asked pardon by admitting a crime she didn’t? No! In the eye of a search for a quality leader, her confession bent for pressure disqualified the entire quality name she was given by her supporters and observers. Having said this, based on my observation this young lady is intelligent, but inexperience in politics and hardship. And she did the right thing for freeing her life from the hardship she was for the sake of her daughter and elderly and ailing Mom (according to her) after she weigh her spirit, that she can’t resist the hardship for so long as the Mandela or Jesus, or Taytu Betul… had gone through or enemy confrontation. So, yes, she did the right thing knowing she can’t lead politics in such frustrating and challenging confrontational situation. Politics, especially leadership in a time where the entire community goes foolish and confused under fascism is too hard for in experienced young lady who never experience physical torture or jungle life as most of the young ladies in the 60/70 faced. Regardless, her supporters predict or wish or express that she was the long awaited leader to free Ethiopia from tyranny, my understanding is that she will not going to be involved in politics from now on unless, she immigrated to the U.S or Europe as her comrades did fled abroad leaving her exposed to the Gulag gangs of Woyane Tigray that lead her to such painful exposure and frustrating experience for her. Trust me, She is not going to be the political leader that her supporters/or some premature website editors, some chatting Apes of the Pal Talk have been talking/writing waiting for her to be released lead them to victory. I will say it now and say it again, that she is not going to be there for them anymore! Mark my word! I wouldn’t surprise if she openly said it so. She already knew how crippled and deluded her party leaders are in the face of a challenge and during her absence! They fought each other for power while she is in prison, and apparently sick justice from the their enemy’s court because of their dispute (not to mention the record of Berhanu Nega’s abandoned her and fled for abroad after all that boastings to finally ended congratulating OLF’s unity to destroy Ethiopia!). Poor young lady, before her release, her supporters in the Pal Talks, media, conferences and her comrades tried to use her for their own ego and selfish politics from her sacrifice labeling her the as omnipotence while she is in prison. Her supporters claimed she was Mandela/Princess Taytu and even God/Jesus Christ (some writers did comment in such unrestrictedly)… Well, that was not true! I know some of her Pal Talk chatting Apes will scream loud at me (especially the emotion is currently high that rational thinking to be distorted easily as a drunken person talks irrationally) as they always did without reasoning driven with emotions. I as individual and others knew that she was not near to what her supporters and many of the white collar media outlet owned by the opposition of claiming her to be Mandela, Jesus, Taytu Butul of Ethiopia. She got fragile so easily and broke her words (Kale) that she promised her followers and the rest never to admit guilt of a CRIME THAT SHE NEVER COMMITTED asking her followers in a message written few months back “I am ready! Are you ready? In any rate, circumstance changed her words (Kale). We knew that we admire her certain courage for defiance, but she failed to posses the quality of Mandela or Jesus or Taytu Butul…. when the hardship that challenge leadership’s spirit of strength confronted her. In other words, she a National leader/or International political figure- in this case based on the name given to her “Mandel of Ethiopia/Taytu Jesus of Ethiopia…” showed a coward emotion. What is Cowardice? It is a selfish character immediately retreats in the face of hardship as it demands private sacrifice .Is that not the right definition? As repeatedly said above, her unlawful detention was not accepted. And she is a brave young lady to walk certain hardship without bent to pressure, but failed to be qualified to be the name given by her supporters/followers. It is therefore, their right to claim so, but, it is also observers’ right to dismiss such honor in a worst case “admitted” a crime she never lead or participated! Was Mandela or Jesus or Taytu bowed to a false pressure or fraudulent document or agreements or threats? No! Last night means at 4:00AM California time, I was up from my bed and read some news from the internet media to take some advantage before surrounding noise govern the atmosphere. After her first release was heard as news- the same morning I visit what I called “The Room of the Chatting Apes” (Ethiopian Current Affairs_ the most notorious Tigray haters and full of young future fascist tyrants). I never visited that room for almost a year or so. Somehow, I visited the Pal Talk for the last two days or so on and off. One of the individual who administrate that room by the name “ENde-LIBU” is the most irrational fellow I have encounter hearing. He gives everyone who had different views red light, he accused any one as TPLF cadre or as Tigrayan if one opposed Ginbot7 or anyone for going to Isaya’s Eritrea for help to over throw TPLF. The bigotry running against Tigrayans regardless you are a Tigrayan or not once you have differ with the opinion those “chatting Apes” inside that room labeled as Tigrayan or Derg is sickening. The same morning I visited to observe the character of that room if changed. Fortunately, there was one lady who was reasonable Administrator of the room who allowed visitors to discuss about the release of Bertukan. While some aired their disappointments of their view against Bertukan for admitting guilt and asking for pardon while her supporters calling her Mandela or Jesus…..and run petition for international recognition of a Nobel Prize: - some felt furiously angry particular one of the Administrator of the Pal Talk (forgot his name) calling others as TIFRAMoch (meant Balager/farmer (?) who have no time to shape /cut his fingers due to busy life). The insult comes on unrestrictedly and continues with threats as the Derg or TPLF cadres exactly behave to remove them with Red out of the room. And Bertukan’s supporters start to tell others to shut their mouth or else will be …! At the time the Admin lady very wisely advice the other male Admin who was calling his visitors as “Tifram” or “Woyane” told to control his insultto cool it down so allow others to express their view freely and democratically knowing living in democratic and freer countries. She finally was pressured to put the agenda in to vote. The yes (we like to talk about her weakness… was defeated by the Ne (No) who simply told the Admin to stop anything talking about her. I remove myself from the room silently as soon as I saw how those chatting Apes think of politics without reasoning lead by emotions. These guys use free countries media unrestrictedly for their own agenda, but when someone of a different opinion aired his/her idea in a gentle manner to make his/her point, he/she is called TIFRAM or Tigrayan or DERG. This is how tyranny will erupt in future Ethiopia. Such spontaneous declaration to stop talking about a political figure such as Bertukan Mediksa in a Pal Talk or similar particular ideas, expressions (good or bad) which were then acceptable (while she was in prison) should be forbidden now, and people who transgressed should be punished or called names as TiFRAM or to become the object of a Pal Talk mob is a frightening future. Even Jesus or Mohammed or Mandel are subject to any criticism. If so, why not Bertukan? This trouble making bigots in the so called “Ethiopian Current Affairs” Pal Talk who chat like Apes without rational thinking need to stop abusing media as their TeJ Bet Community. If they can’t tolerate different opinion from others, how are they differing from TPLF’s tyranny? Getachew Reda (

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