Monday, October 31, 2011

Gaddafi the Hero of African Nationalism!

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New Book by Getachew Reda

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Getachew Reda

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Gaddafi the Hero of African Nationalism!

                     By Getachew Reda (editor Ethiopian Semay)

The 65 years old man who ruled Libya with an Iron fist from 1965 to 20 October 2011 came to an end in a sad and unpredicted way of death.  After I saw how Colonel Gaddafi’s captured and mistreated at the hand of the barbaric Libya Revolutionary Thugs who called themselves  National Transition Council/TNC, I was shocked and froze in disbelieve seeing such savagery, inhuman, and thuggish way of killing a leader who was a brutal tyrant, but African Nationalist at heart who challenged Colonialists (The Arabs, The new Europe and the new America lead by Sarkozi ( the mad dog of France), the British and the toothless, spineless, Wusih-washy Barak Obama who served well his masters after he tricked his voters with his sedative oratorical skill).

                     The end of Gaddafi started and end like this.

In February 2011, following revolutions in neighboring  Egypt and Tunisia, protests against Gaddafi's rule began. These escalated into an uprising that spread across the country, with the forces opposing Gaddafi establishing a government based in Benghazi named the National Transitional Council (NTC). This led to the 2011 Libyan civil war, which included a military intervention by a NATO-led coalition to enforce a UN Security Council Resolution 1973 calling for a no-fly zone and protection of civilians in Libya. The assets of Gaddafi and his family were frozen, and both Interpol and the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants on 27 June for Gaddafi, his son Saif al-Islam, and his brother-in-law Abdullah Senussi, concerning crimes against humanity.[1][21][22][23] Gaddafi and his forces lost the Battle of Tripoli in August and on 16 September 2011 the NTC took Libya's seat at the UN, replacing Gaddafi.[24] He retained control over parts of Libya, most notably the city of Sirte, to which it was presumed that he had fled.[25] Although Gaddafi's forces initially held out against the NTC's advances, Gaddafi was captured alive after his convoy was attacked by NATO warplanes as Sirte fell on 20 October 2011[26] but was killed by the rebels the same day.[27][28][29]” Source Wikipedia.

Gaddafi was brutally beaten and sodomized to death during the battle by the “Misirata Brigade”. This despicable act in this civilized century was not as some analysts believe it was because the logical outcome of the ultraviolent foreign policy that did not seek to understand Libya before it began demolishing it. It was intentionally, well organized, planned, designed by the above mentioned Imperialists and evil leaders of the rich countries of the world to destabilized Africa as well as Libya’s leader who the imperialist including the racist Arab leaders saw him as a threat to them with his God given wealth (Petroleum) after he started to lift up the dignity of Africa countries wearing African map designed cloths where ever he goes as his permanent traditional custom.  

NETO not only participated in ruining Libya, but lead the thuggish and Al-Qaida type rebels intentionally to their rubbish design in order to ruin an African country which was heading to be the crutch of the poor African country like Nigger and the like, including even to  the corrupt pathetic AU (African Union) itself. It is sad to see the African leaders to simply let these monsters dehumanizing Africa and humiliated one of their member country’s leaders.
As much as I condemned Gaddafi’s tyranny, this brutal aggression by the Imperialist arrogance and crime must be condemned by the whole African people (of course not by the corrupt African leaders, who themselves are waiting their turn to come if they too refuse to bow to those thuggish imperialist elites). African people need to keep their dignity by protecting even their tyrants when Imperialist insists to intervene in their affairs in the name of change and democracy to ruin Africa as they did to Iraq, Libya and elsewhere in the world.

Eye witness in Libya are saying that Libya is completely in ruins by NETO saturation Bombs, including Apartments, the very people who NETO claimed to protect them from Gaddafi’s brutal killing.

Gaddafi, his son, his security chief and those around him and his thousands of army defending him including his civilian supporters were brutally tortured and killed and sodomized. Such savagery and thuggish act was fun and well enjoyed  by the imperialist elites such as for Barak Obama’s Foreign Minister ( American Foreign Minister) Mrs. Clinton. If one listen to her interview with CBC news after Gaddafi was sodomized, tortured, beaten, dehumanized and murdered how joyous she felt after his death in such savagery- one should conclude that these are not pro-humanity or democracy, but elements who lack a civilized leadership ethics and common wisdom, who are not Christians (though they claim to be ) enjoyed seeing a country ruined, civilians bombed by NATO, dehumanization and humiliation of human fellow – specially captured prisoners of war by sodomizing.
Here is what she said “as we came, we saw, he dies” (her comment and joy was campaigned by a loud laughter). This is the lady who represents America in the world. As one disappointed American commentary said “Yet, another nail on the coffin for American respectability in the world”.

So, we know that the Americans were fully participated with their CIA and special units on the ground with full knowledge and permission of Barak Obama. The Kaddafi army- I mean the entire caravan tried to escape were brutally bombarded guided by the American remote control airplane called “drone” while retreat. The entire caravan was burned into ashes similar to the Iraq army in 1991 during Sadam Husain which is known as The Highway of Death. The Highway of Death refers to a road between Kuwait and Basra on which voluntary retreating units of the Iraqi army as well as Iraqi civilians running out from Kuwait heading to Iraq were attacked and destroyed by American aircraft and ground forces mercilessly in a brutal and barbaric method of mass killing.

During this brutal attack by NATO and American espionage, some reports are coming and commentators saying that there are remained skeletons of burned bodies and vehicles are still visible at the scene. The war was lead and guided by NATO while the thuggish revolutionary are allowed and given the green light knowingly that these thugs were murdering, shooting, raping, slaughtering blacks , natives and all sort of crime all over Libya.

Reports were coming that these thuggish revolutionary army supported by NATO were using graffiti in every city building ruining the entire beauty and civilization of the country. They call themselves based on their graffiti evidence “the purgers of black skin and slaves”. This terrified to civilization in my opinion. Africans should condemn those who participated in such barbaric act.

Every self respect Africans must write a complaint letter to the so called International Criminal Court and the corrupt UN (if there some one there with human heart  to hear) to condemn the bombing of Libya to a stone age by the NATO Army Commanders for supporting the Jihadist/Anarchist/ barbaric elements to throw out Gaddafi from power by sodomizing captured war prisoners, and in such shocking way of regime change which resulted  brutal massacre of civilians by the thuggish revolutionary army calling itself TNC and NATO.

It is truly shocking and disappointing era of human history to see NATO/America supporting street thugs, rapists and sodomizers to an elderly man who is wounded and captured in a battle. This reckless and incompetence of Barak Obama’s foreign policy need to be condemned openly by all Africans. In my opinion Obama is a dangerous young man who is a threat to Africa in particular. Gaddafi the hero of African nationalism doesn’t deserve the brutal and barbaric revenge applied against his dignity and Africa which is supported by Barak Obama and his irresponsible Foreign Minister Hellary Clinton. History is recording, and God of the Universe is also watching us who was doing what. There will be a day of judgment to examine all this human cruelty when he comes down to earth as he promised us in our Christian Orthodox bible. Thanks- Getachew Reda – editor Ethiopian


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